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Dec 26, 2008
Reaction score
Crewe, Cheshire, UK
Is it just me, or has the site got very slow over the past few days?

Normally it is almost instant when opening up a new page, but now it takes what seems to be forever.

All the other sites I visit are still fast, just as normal, so I don't suspect it is my end.

Me too Bogs, I thought it was just me. For the last several nights I assumed it was just a lot of traffic slowing it down or my provider doing maintenance or whatever they do at night. Tonight, when I logged on about an hour ago, and for about an hour, it took 10 or 15 seconds to load a page. And now (do I dare say it...) it seems like it's back to its normal zippy self.


Update: Never mind. I must have jinxed it. Delays again.
Same here... much slower than normal even in the wee hours.

Can confirm same here. Timed the loading of the welcome page at 20 secs. On other days sometimes slow sometimes ok.

Mine seems slow as well. Also, this is the only site it seems that quite often to click twice to get a page to open. By that I mean I click to load a page and wait. Than I get page not found or an error, but if I reclick on same thing it goes thru just fine.
It's been very, very slow out here in California too. All the other sites I visit regularly act normally so it's not my computer or ISP.
Yep. It's slow.
We are sharing space on a server with other web sites.

One of those sites is a Vietnamese real estate broker (now there's a contradiction in terms!) that lists properties all over southeast Asia. It's extremely poorly written, they are causing the delays. They were the culprit behind our last outage, though we got the blame. It took a bit to convince the hosting service who really was to blame.

I figured the server people were spanking us again. Naughty naughty, forum to popular,must slow them down. ;D ;D ;D

And yes a great big THANK YOU to all who keep it running.

ksouers said:
a Vietnamese real estate broker

Ah yes, Vietnamese Real Estate Brokers and Model Makers. A Rivalry that goes back Centuries. :big: :big: :big: :big: :big:

The server load is fluctuating wildly.

We are not causing that but will no doubt be handed the blame.

Just been plain slow last three days. 20-30 seconds for a page load up, and many times gets timed out.
Why can't it happen to some of the other forums I go to? They're no where near as good as this group, but they always pop up instantly. Most annoying.

It all boils down to the bandwidth scenario that was discussed several weeks ago. The bottleneck this time is the host server having to process what sounds like some lousy code that has been sloppily written before it will allow any other requests for access to be allowed into the server. Kind of like a bad traffic cop trying to control rush hour traffic, things get backed up in a hurry and the entire system suffers for it. The hosting site needs to install a new/separate gateway and or router to abate the congestion or split out the addresses of these two sites to obtain faster response times but I seriously doubt that will ever occur.
