Hi Ken,
Thanks for the tip increasing the 15mm to lets say 17mm to be able to remove th ebearing, did not think of that. It seems that the bearing dimensions are a little different in South Africa.... When I look at the datasheets of SKF I have:
6001 -> 28x12 8mm thick (your drawing state a diameter of 32mm). I will use the 6201 instead, this has 32x12 and 10mm thick
For the 51202 the thickness stated by SKF is 12mm, were your is most likely 15mm (your seat is 14.5mm deep, leaving 0,5mm clearance).
Nothing very important, just something to keep in mind for other people who will build this great tool too.
I am planning to make the 1degree angle by using a digital angle meter. If it should come out a little more, I think before making the first cut I can check the relieve by mounting a straight bar with the same diameter as the broach and visually check the clearance on the broaching tool. If too little I regrind the broaching tool to give it a little more relieve.
Best regards Jeroen