The forecast for the day is 'snow; in Scotland where I had a wee bhutt and beinn but this is mid November and I have skied on Cheviot - on the English side! in early October. hat why the first civilian mountain rescue team was formed. There's wonderful story of a lost B-17 Flying Fortress trying to land on Cheviot and thereafter its wreckage used to appear and disappear at regular intervals. But I've skied the back of Cairngorm in a pair of swimming trunks- plus a pair of gloves in June.
North British weather is 'different'
To be fair, I take this 'Ossie' hype about heat with the normal pinch of salt although I have known my (late) wife put her knickers in the fridge when we owned a house on the Mediterranean. The Arabs on the other side of the plonk- only miles away put on more clothes for the summer heat.
Again. t is perfectly normal in the French Alps to ski in the morning and play tennis or sunbathe in the afternoon.
As for the cousins in the USA- I've been boiled alive in Boston, Mass and noted the congestion notices for winter snow clearing.
And-- hint!!! I have a cousin in NSW who is one of those people who is 'plays at farming' now that he is retired. Dear old Rod got the 'fires' a few yards from his door-- and took it for granted. Still got his 'Geordfie' genes from his Dad who had been an ambulance driver in the Western Desert and then into New Guinea. Me- I've snow holed in Arctic Norway in minus 32C. You know when the dogs were frozen to the lamposts and had the warning not to eat yellow snow.
It's all good old Ossie bullsh1t to be enjoyed but believed-- nah!