You mention a cold draught. it would be interesting to see it that has any effect on a tall slender part as one side cooling faster may make it contract and therefore you would get a bent in the part much like the cooling causes it to lift from the base
My smaller Prusa MK3S seems to be very sensitive to any air drafts, and it appears to cause bed lifting, ruining the part.
That has been my biggest problem in the past.
With the dog print, I turned on the window AC unit, and it is blowing cold air across the room, and past the Prusa XL.
There was no bed lifting with the dog, and it was still fully adhered to the bed when the print was complete.
The Prusa XL bed does get quite hot, if that means anything.
I can't recall how hot the MK3S bed got.
Bed adhesion has a lot to do with getting the thickness of the first layer correct, and that was at least part of my problem with the MK3S.
The XL is self-adjusting on the first layer, and so no doubt that helps a lot with bed adhesion.
There is a lot of talk on the Prusa forum about installing an enclosure around XL units, to stop the draft, but so far my XL does not seem sensitive to draft at all, and if all continues like this, I would say there is no enclosure needed around an XL, at least in the room where I am using it, which is very drafty.