I've never been able to master hand sharpening of drills, Like Mick "i've tried and I've tried", I guess I'm just not skilled that way. I have tried to use the "craftsman" sharpener with poor results it's in a box in the shop somewhere now. I just returned to N.A. from Australia where the club that I visit when I,m out there had a show day. One of the fellows had a drill sharpening jig which gave excellent results. It works like the craftsman one but is more robust and had a fine adjustment. There are three castings available from "Hobby Mechanics" in Queensland. The fellow had made one modification from the original drawings and that was to use a small 4jaw (2 inch) wood lathe chuck to hold the drills versus the Jacobs called for in the plans. He said that the results were more satisfactory that way. I was impressed enough to order a set of castings(aud45.75) I've just gotten back so haven't done anything with them yet but the plans and instructions are very clear. Hobby mechanics advertises in The Australian Model Engineer. I have no conection with either.