Very impressive. Perhaps this old dog really needs to learn new tricks. Thanks for sharing/motivating.
While you come to the sea in Italy, my shop (ex garage, my cars sleep outdoors) is always open to all visitorsI wish i could Visite your shop and watch you doing the magic.
Awesome work!!
While you come to the sea in Italy, my shop (ex garage, my cars sleep outdoors) is always open to all visitors
I'm waiting for you....
1976 Bultaco Sherpa T 350Hi a41capt, whats the old trials bike?
I know I’m quite the new kid on the block, I had a hard enough time setting the valve timing on my “Kitchen Sink” engine, but that valve timing looks absolutely overwhelming!!!The camshaft design
Camshaft will rotate on 6x12x4 2Z ball bearings, 8 each shaft , the gear in the center of the shaft will have a phase adjustment by means of 3 slots and 3 M3 screws.
This will allow me to adjust the opening between the 2 camshafts, about 110/120 degrees, once the cams have been phased one by one
In the original engine there are a series of holes on the gear to find perfect timing
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I can't wait to see how it will be assembled and aligned. I can see all the cam sections have setscrews to hold them on the shaft, but aren't all the bearings press fits? Built from the middle out toward the ends?
And same sentiment as @a41capt - thanks for keeping me wondering...
Got a couple of questions about the cam sections.
1) I can see how the setscrews will allow you to adjust each cam section's position on the shaft to get the correct timing, but will the setscrews be enough to hold that position on the shaft? It would seem to me that the side forces applied to the cam section each time the valve is actuated would want to twist the section on the shaft.
2) Once you've got the sections timed where you want them. are you going to pin them in place?
3) Are you going to harden the cam sections? Or, since this is a model engine that doesn't have to run for thousands of hours - just leave them soft.