PM Research #3

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2023
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N. E. Indiana
So my wonderful wife & child got me this PMR #3 as an early Christmas present (I have time off at Christmas & need something to keep occupied)
So with no idea where to start, I hit youtube and found a few people building these engines. As I watched, I was stuck with "omg do any of these people have any idea what there doing?" No one is working off a master reference (dimensionbroughtoff all 4 cornersand in some cases guessed at), nothing is true/flat & square, grabbing the parts 4 different ways in a vise, not having any idea if any of the references are going to be correct. So many incorrect clearance, you must run the engine with an electric head was left spinning........after lots of thought, I grabbed the drawings, the castings, my calipers and started creating fixtures......let's see that I have gotten done so far,

Here is the casting kit
Ok let's start with a simple fixture, the connecting rod....the one was simple, a "channel" with a deaper channel on both ends.....only problem, the pattern maker left "divets" in the rod, and they were not close to being on a common center line , nor the center to center distance shown on the drawing, but I did fix that, this part also seemed to be an easy first part .....
Next on list was make the big end bearing, I used the drawing as a suggestion & made the bearing .005 longer then the rod is wide, then I reamed the bearing to .126, then I made up a one off crank pin , I made it with 4-40 thread (I am ditching all those ugly 5-40 screws)
There is a bit of an art to building/assembling model engines, and another art to machining castings.
The only way to learn it is to jump in and do it.
I have had to redo some parts, but eventually one gets a feel for it, and gains the confidence to get it done.
Nice kit there, and jigs, and nice machining work !

Next up is was the crank, I deviated from the suggestion at this point, PM says to ream a hole fir a press fit, and drill/tap for a set screw, ....... I grabbed a chunk of 1 inch low carbon steal.......drilled a ½ hole, chamfered (to clear radius on crank) tapped a #6 -32 .....for a clamp....... dropped the crank in, reamed it to .251, offset & drilled & tapped a 4-40. Next I pulled the part, degreased it, found a piece of ¼ drill rod, tossed the CRS shaft that came with the Loc-tite the shaft in place, no set screw, no press fit....face the part in the lathe (by holding on the shaft things must run true)
Cross head guides are next.....lots going on here, I started by reaming the parts for pins, assembled the 2 halfs, witnessed the halfs, and from now on the fixture was machined as 1 unit, pinned together. The back of the B half has a 2.007 slot on it, so the fixture locates identical in the vise, the fixture was slotted with a business card between the halfs to give the fixture some crush.
The bottom(s) was cut flat first, the turned over and drilled
The replacement vise is now on the mill and it's time to tackle the cylinder. The fixture is pinned together & tapped for screws, there is a central slot for the steam chest to register on, the fixture is the same over all height as the finished cylinder, so finding the finished height & keeping concentric is easy, once I finished one face, I will bore the cylinder, bore the spool valve, drill the bolt pattern, turn the fixture and drill/tap the steam chest, turn again finish the cylinder, drill/tap the bolt pattern......then set on the sine bar and drill the steam passages...
..all done in a fixture, easy to pick up master reference surface, should come out perfect
I got a little farther on the project today, until the 11 year old wanted dad to cuddle on the couch and watch Scooby-Doo.....hard to turn that down......but I did get the frame side qualified, .501 reamed hole for piston (not real happy with the finish, but it will be Ok) the tapped holes are done, the spool valve bore has been finished (.251 ream)
A little update on what's going on, not much in my home shop, work has had me busy.....our (my?) apprentice quite unexpected (1st set back), I then spent time off and on thru out the week fixing his F-ups (2nd thu 7th set back) , set up and run at the same time multiple machines (oh joy of joys) , then my wife has had enough of health care, came home crying several nights this week, her boss calling at midnight asking to get and do this or that, piling more and more on her, put her notice in......

In the meantime, our race cars made it home from our southern showings (we are our own OEM , build a suspension parts and more) so our cars are advertising, on the short track at Daytona, lead 19 laps and the engine developt a knock, followed by lots of smoke and shrapnel.........

Then on Friday I found this......My boss bought me a present....he must be a to relax to the ongoing "click, clack,clunk"
On my PMR number 3 I did get the steam inlet done, I opted to tap ¼-28 , because the tap called out is $60 .....ouch......once again the fixture makes all the difference......easy to find center and with a section of drill rod easy to find the center of the bore.....
...after figuring out a 5 inch sine bar will not work in a 4 inch vise, I am busy making a 20 degree sine soon
So I got a little farther.....being how I couldn't use a 5 inch sine bar in a 4 inch vise, I had to go with plan B.....make a sine block.......I blued the work, leveled it to the vise jaws by eye.....cut it, placed it back on the sine bar, sweep it with an indicator, off .007 , that's with in a couple minutes of arc.....close enough for this, I'm just drilling steam passages
Next I set the fixture in the vise on the sine block......hit it with the edge finder, found center.....moved over to a scribed line on the face (I was gonna get out a tooling ball, sweep it in and all that crap, but it's a steam passage, not a something for a nuclear power I created a small flat with an endmill, dimpled it with a center drill, drilled with a 5/32 drill, then with a 3/32 drill until the passages connect....but here is the gem....inset a wire into the blind hole....when the wire wiggles or ejects, you know the drill has broke thru and the holes are connected

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