Have been waiting for some Cerrobend to be delivered, it arrived this week
It has a low melting point 70deg
I got a birko that is used to boil water and a small stainless steel cup
The cerrobend is put in to the cup and then the cup is put into the boiling water and this melts the metal, then it can be poured into the brass tube and then bent with out deforming
This is the birko and the SS cup
This is the cerrobend
The setup in the lathe for bending the tube, the lathe is being used as a vice just to hold the fixture
3 Exhaust Pipes bent to shape
After bending the tubes are put back into the boiling water and the cerrobend just melts out
Setup for holding the tubes for cutting
All tubes were cut to length with a dremal, the cutting wheel on the dermal was run down nails on either end so all tubes were cut to the same dimensions
Still have to do the Inlet tubes, these will be a bit more tricky as they have two bends that need to be at a precise distance with a sideways twist so the fit onto the header and slide into a hole in the crankcase