Peewee V4

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kustomkb said:
Thats fantastic work!

Very nice cam fixture. Are the brass bushings split? How many times do you index each lobe?


Merry Christmas!


The brass bushings are not split but there is no reason why you could'nt. The bushings are bored or reamed to .001 larger than the cam. When the set screw is snugged the bushing ovals/pinches the cam very well. I had no problem with them slipping. The front of the cam still had a good polish on it so zero damage to the cam itself.

I have a spread sheet that tells me when to cut, and not cut each lobe. I make one revolution every 5 degrees and all 8 lobes are addressed at the same time. The number of cuts to a lobe depends on your desired duration. The more cuts the less duration.

I made the blank, cut all the lobes, and hand filed the nose of the lobes round and polished everything in 4.5 hours.

The fixture was another couple hours but i think i can recycle it when/if i build the Hercules and Silver Bullet.

That's one very nice camshaft, never having made a cam, I don't understand what's doing what. Are you using the saddle and cutting along the lathe axis or is it some kind of copy mechanism ??? ???

Help me out Please :p ::)

Best Regards
Maryak said:

That's one very nice camshaft, never having made a cam, I don't understand what's doing what. Are you using the saddle and cutting along the lathe axis or is it some kind of copy mechanism ??? ???

Help me out Please :p ::)

Best Regards

The fixture just holds the blank off center.
I dont/wont ever mean to blow off anybodys questions. I am here to share freely everything I have learned from others and my own trials and tribulations.

In regards to the cam making, I have been trying for a few weeks now, to prepare a document that would explain how I went about it. I am getting close to liking the document. When it is finished, I will post the file in the correct place here at HMEM for anybody who would like to view it.

The camshaft is finished and installed. The rear distributor gear was bored to a press fit. After pressing the gear on, the outer diameter of the gear was turned to diameter and the bearing was pressed onto the gear. The front bearing and timing gear are a slip fit. The timing gear was modified to fit inside the cover so the set screw hole was spotted with an end mill, Redrilled on a 20 degree angle, and retapped. All worked out well and the gears mesh very nice with no noticeable lash.



Thanks for all your efforts :bow:

Best Regards
Beautiful work, Steve! I too am looking forward to reading your camshaft procedures. Thanks in advance.

I have just downloaded and read your camshaft document.

In a word BRILLIANT :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
I know I and I'm sure many others are and will be very grateful for your effort.

Best Regards
I'm forever amazed at the incredible work I see on this forum.
Absolutely brilliant work.
I think that is what I love so much about this forum is that complete beginners like me can rub shoulders with seasons experts and get great advice and help.

Keep up the great work.
Thank you very much for this Steve; an awesome body of work.
Just read your camshaft document. Great write up! A simple and elegant solution for turning cams.

Thanks a bunch :bow:


Thanks for taking the time to share such a great tutorial.
Now to digest it all and put it to use. ;D

I made the distributor. When I made the main body, I chickened out and made the bottom boss .050 shorter than the drawing. Then I inserted the shaft with the gear on it and found a .042 gap so i made a .040 washer from brass. The gears mesh very nice.

I also made the rotor and cap from a clear acrylic rod I had laying around. The #1 son thought it would be cool if you could see the spark jumping through the cap. Also a great aid when troubleshooting ignition problems.


I love not working! I haven't made this much progress in months.

Started on the water pump. Made the main body and the 2 gears. Tommorrow I will make the mount/rear plate and gasket. And maybe the pulley if there is time.


You do beautiful work - I'm envious. :bow: :bow: :bow:

Best Regards
The polished brass does look really nice against the ally. Great progress, and awesome attention to detail, Steve.