Took another break from priming and sanding this morning and went back to work on the brush holder and brushes.
Assembled tools and cleared out a work area.
Fishing copper wire through the holes was a fun diversion. ;D Looks simple till you try it.
Soldered the wire ends to prevent them from splaying, and removed the spade end terminals
I discovered at this point that I needed to extend the hole in the side into an oval shape to allow freer movement of the braided wire. So I reached for the exacto knife.
I fumbled while picking it up and stupidily grabbed for it. I didn't catch it correctly.
After bleeding on it for a second or two, everything went together easily.
The brushes are free to move up and down and the cable feeds in and out of the holes smoothly.
Oh, and one more thing. The kiddie band aid turned out to have a picture of Bob The Builder on it. My wife got a chuckle out of that. :big: