The gears on the end of the lathe are starting to fall into place, just some simple parting off the gear stock, pressing two together and a whole lot of fine tuning to get them to all mesh properly and turn smooth. But thats what they make those tiny little files for, removing the burrs from parting the gear from the blank. I only have six more to make for this end and then its off to make the ones under the apron. We should be making chips in a couple of weeks, I only hope that I can get this thing leveled properly. And then there's the matter of him not wearing his safety glasses correctly. His seeing eye dog has been ordered and Mr. Lego Man is going to need him if he don't start practicing safe machining there is nothing funny about losing an eye because of stubbornness. Safety Glasses, USE THEM. Soon, I will have to teach him not to ever leave the chuck wrench in the chuck.
;D ;D ;D