Okay--Here is some good information for people who have been following this thread. At a constant regulator setting of 50 PSI, with 1/2" diameter brass balls, the steam engine ran at a very consistent 500 RPM. When I switched over to 5/8" diameter balls, the engine ran at a consistent 375 RPM. Since the 5/8" balls are heavier, they fly into a "balls out" configuration at a lower RPM. I noticed that when running with the 1/2" balls, the shifter fork that runs from the bottom slider on the stem post over the pivot to the valve link was setting almost level when the engine was running. When I put the heavier balls on, running at the same PSI, the shifter fork is tipped at almost 15 degrees, which of course shuts the air/steam flow into the cylinders down quite considerably. Also, with the larger balls, the governor seems more sensitive to load on the engine, and has more of a tendency to "dither" (oscillate) a bit before it settles into a changed configuration when more load is applied to the engine. This concludes my testing of the flyball governor, although I will probably add more information about its reaction to varying loads when I complete the build of the Varying Load machine.---Brian