Hello again,
For the purpose of family harmony my shop will be detached, but I don't think it will be forgotten. I totally enjoy working with my hands, both metal and wood. So far I have not seen any dwarfs in my work area, but as long as they were nice they would be welcome. ;D I tried to convince my dear wife that aluminum swarf was good for the rug, but she didn't buy that. I guess after I told her the Earth was going to be destroyed in 23 million years so there was no sense in fixing up the yard that I lost some creditability. <sigh> At present I do my welding outside, but that limits me by the weather and in Missouri it changes a lot. My shop will be relatively small, but it will not be used a junk storage area. Well unless you consider most of my tools which are very close to being junk, but to me they are still treasures. The building itself will be constructed mostly from scrounged materials so that pretty much limits the size. At my age I don't want to borrow any money so construction may take a while. So far I have enough plywood and enough 2 by 6's, yesterday a neighbor asked me if I wanted several 20 foot 2 by 6's or he was going to haul them to the ditch. I did not have to think about about that for long.
Hope I have answered all the questions, thanks again for the kind words.
Bob Bailey