Hi guys,
An update on the casting.
The initial one took quite a while to have done as the heat treatment only gets done once every three weeks or so - then when l got it, it wasn't very smooth l think because some of the casting sand was still attached to the pattern, so when the casting was done it was quite rough.
I picked it up the day the guy that l deal with wasn't there and so took it back a little while later and he took it and had the foundry guys have another go. This time it is better but not perfect. I got the impression that the foundry guys see it as a nuisance something so small and fiddly compared to what they normally do, maybe l am wrong.
The guy l deal with said that if l make a pattern plate for them to use with 2 engines on each half of the plates then he can stay at the first agreed price which was $60 to you guys. I don't have the resources to do this and the cost of having it done is prohibitive - so will stick with the pattern I have. So to continue with the pattern as is then the price to me will be $80 and l would have to charge it out at $100 plus post to you.
So have a think about it, it is quite a cost increase. All the previous correspondence from you will be set aside for the time being, and when I am happy that the casting works then I will recall for expressions of interest then, so please be patient. I hope to start the build this week and knowing how these things go then it will probably take 2 - 3 weeks to get it done. It will be diesel engine no.20
Here are the photos of the casting as received.