I put the Chuck Fellows carb back on (I lied about the needle---had it confused with the George Britnell carb clone that I built--The Fellows carb does have a nice tapered needle.) I monkeyed with the ignition timing and got a couple of good sustained runs. I could have ran and got the video camera, but the sun is down now and there isn't that much light out in my main garage. My timing gears are making a terrible racket--sounds like somebody torturing a duck!!! I may have to put a mark on the cam shaft and the ignition cam to be able to re-set them to this setting, and pull the gear cover off to see what in heck is going on with the gears. I never had gears make a racket like that before, but I have never used a jockey gear between the crank and cam gear before, so I expect it may have something to do with that. Since I have to pull the gear cover, I will set up a degree wheel and a pointer and check the valve timing while I have things apart.