This is a small mod that I have been meaning to get around to for years. The carriage lock on a myford is a bolt at the back which obviously requires a spanner to operate. I'm a b****r for putting stuff down anywhere but where its supposed to be. I spend ages walking up and down my shop trying to find stuff. I even bought an extra spanner but one of them has gone missing. Today I spent 20 minutes looking for the spanner so now was the time to make an effort. I've seen this mod carried out before but I thought I'd show you anyway. A few pictures should be enough to explain it all.
Firstly this is how it's normally done with said spanner.
Here's the new bits along side the original bolt.
And in use, not a spanner in sight Thm: Thm: Thm:
This is a small mod that I have been meaning to get around to for years. The carriage lock on a myford is a bolt at the back which obviously requires a spanner to operate. I'm a b****r for putting stuff down anywhere but where its supposed to be. I spend ages walking up and down my shop trying to find stuff. I even bought an extra spanner but one of them has gone missing. Today I spent 20 minutes looking for the spanner so now was the time to make an effort. I've seen this mod carried out before but I thought I'd show you anyway. A few pictures should be enough to explain it all.
Firstly this is how it's normally done with said spanner.
Here's the new bits along side the original bolt.
And in use, not a spanner in sight Thm: Thm: Thm: