My week - December to New year. (OK, that's a month...!).
Assembled and finished 2 boilers.
After COVID Quarantine, when certification ran out, Boiler inspectors passed-on to the great workshop wherever....
I needed 2 boilers re-certifying - From Scratch - as the 2018 regs required and because the new inspectors were advised by the Federation.
So, duly stripped, back in the Spring, when other jobs interposed and the inspectors were very busy with everyone else who's boilers had expired certification.... I achieved design calculation and (Stripped) boiler examination approval and Hydraulic tests a Month or so ago....
So the December days came when I could re-assemble the boilers.
A 2in vertical boiler needed some brass bits re-making - de-zincification of the fittings and drain at the bottom of the water-gauge and a broken fitting on the steam manifold (Seized after being assembled for 12 years!). And here it is. On air test to set the Safety Relief Valve:

And the steam test - resetting the Safety Relief Valve in the "hot spring" Steam condition...
Horrid photos because they show the Mess of my "hot" bench. - And my photography often misses the subject! - Hope it makes you laugh?
The other boiler is the 1995 3in. horizontal boiler, made by my Dad.
The boiler ends were "distorted" from some over-pressure so the inspector had requested calculations, full re-certification after repair of the ends by fitting stays. Duly measured, calculated, stays fitted, and silver soldering re-done as required (90% "to be sure") and after the design calcs, repairs etc, approved and hydraulically tested, I re-assembled it into the casing, etc. this last week or 2...
The old firebox insulation was mostly broken so I replaced much of it with old ceramic tiles I had.
The old regulator (screw-down valve) needed replacing, and a couple of fittings to re-connect the pipework.
And here are some photos:
Before disassembly:

And it looks almost the same afterwards, with a couple of new bits.
Regulator/shut-off valve and pipework - Spot the "cleaner" brass!

New brass weight on the pressure relief Safety Valve, and re-marked pressure gauge limit for new certification. (Air test - proving Relief Valve control pressure).
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - (It will be, if the inspector approves the steam test during the next month or so!).