My steep learning curve and other thoughts...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
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So, here I am setting up my workshop and there's so much to learn to do this properly. The original intention after moving house and starting with a bare 6m x 6m shed was to a) build a sound-proof practice room/studio for my music and a workshop to build guitars. (guitar player - I have both types (acoustic and electric)) :) That's pretty much done but in the process my focus has changed. Now it's become apparent that model engineering is the way I want to proceed and a long list to projects is forming... First up is a simple engine and boiler but ultimately a 1" scale Minnie is the goal. Bought the plans and boiler kit so i'm committed but then i'm thinking wouldn't it be good to try one at 1/2" scale... probably do-able... and 1/4" scale? Maybe do-able... Anyway, I've still got a long way to go and I'm really enjoying where this is heading after not touching my lathe for many years. I would really like to get hold of a copy of LC Mason's book Scale Model Traction Engine Building Featuring "Minnie". If anyone can advise where to get hold of a copy at a reasonable price I would appreciate it
Tee Publishing used to sell the book sorry not sure if its still instock
For a simpler traction engine Myfordboys site has a nice wee model and utube videos showing its build or how about a bar stock engine then at least the scrap aint to expensive
The drawings are on the johntom web site for free download only found it after buying the book
For Minnie casting I found Blackgates in the UK to be of good quality although I didnt use many only the cylinder and flywheel.
Thanks for the info.
I bought the Minnie plans and boiler kit from AJ Reeves so I'll probably get the gear set and a few castings from them too. There's a fair bit of info around on building the Minnie but I'll probably get a copy of the book anyway. Grabbed the 3/4" scale Case info too so that's yet another option.
From my own experience of using both companies castings Blackgates are that bit better although I dont know what they are like for overseas shipping
Iv seen a few Minnie bits n bobs for sale on ebay maybe worth keeping an eye open
Good luck with the build
I'll check out Blackgates and who knows I might get lucky on Ebay. Shipping to Oz is always expensive these days so unfortunately you just have to accept it.
Getting familiar with the lathe and mill, only a couple of minor issues so far. Like after all these years I forgot parting rule #1 on a deep part in aluminium... Luckily just a broken carbide tip
So, here I am setting up my workshop and there's so much to learn to do this properly. The original intention after moving house and starting with a bare 6m x 6m shed was to a) build a sound-proof practice room/studio for my music and a workshop to build guitars. (guitar player - I have both types (acoustic and electric)) :) That's pretty much done but in the process my focus has changed. Now it's become apparent that model engineering is the way I want to proceed and a long list to projects is forming... First up is a simple engine and boiler but ultimately a 1" scale Minnie is the goal. Bought the plans and boiler kit so i'm committed but then i'm thinking wouldn't it be good to try one at 1/2" scale... probably do-able... and 1/4" scale? Maybe do-able... Anyway, I've still got a long way to go and I'm really enjoying where this is heading after not touching my lathe for many years. I would really like to get hold of a copy of LC Mason's book Scale Model Traction Engine Building Featuring "Minnie". If anyone can advise where to get hold of a copy at a reasonable price I would appreciate it
A man after my own heart! I'm trying to figure out if I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hobby Disorder) as I dive into something until I'm sated, then move onto something else. I do seem to circle back every few years for another round. By the way, my obsession is now shared between building a car and learning to machine. SQUIRREL!!!:D
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Steep learning curve is very apt for this hobby of ours. A short time to learn, a lifetime to master.