Hi Jason, I appreciate that this is a very old post but could you recommend a supplier of short length hollow cast bronze? I'm struggling to find some without having to pay well over £100.Just a note for anyone building this on a small lathe , instead of doing as Ove has done and using brass plate to make the flywheels, obtain a short length of hollow cast bronze and that way the outside, inside and one face can be machined by holding in a 4" chuck, swap it end for end and do the second flywheel. Then saw down the middle and just face off the saw cuts still holding buy the inside.
The bronze is also heavier than brass thats why its specified.
Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.Andrew, I have often found it cheaper to buy standard 660 bronze and drill it out. Seems counter-intuitive, but I guess the procedure to produce it in hollow form must cost more than the raw material.