As you know, I hate gardening, and everything in my garden is in pots, almost like yours.
I only have two 'permanent' plants, a honeysuckle and a clematis. I just cut a small triangle off the corner of a couple of paving slabs, and stuck them into the soil underneath. They just look after themselves and are thriving. In two years from being a small stick, the honeysuckle now has a spread of about ten feet along the garden fence, and the clematis gets to half the length of the shop now by the end of the summer.
Armed with a sack truck to move the pots around, I can have a new looking garden whenever I want.
The only problem is the continual watering and feeding.
Ever since my walkway has been finished, Mal 'lives' out there, from early morning to late at night, she even does her ironing out there since I have fed power and lights out to it. You should find your pergola is the most used 'room' in the house during summer.
Very nice job indeed.
Say bugger to what Mrs Maryak wants for a while, grab yourself a cold one, sit back, and start to enjoy the fruits of your labour.