Please can you post details of magnets - plus supplier?
I am sure I am not the only curious watcher here.
I am sure I am not the only curious watcher here.
An observation on your test rig. The Orange stator looks like some Nylon or other non-magnetic material. "Of course" (an electrical engineer would say) you need an iron core to get to "practical" magnetic circuits so the magnetic field strength is much higher and the voltage and current will consequently rise.
Maxwell explained it all in the 1870s and wrote the text book still in use today. I'm not an Electrical engineer so won't try and explain. I'd have to read the book - but I suggest you do instead? Or the others on this thread?
Something to do with B=nI, dB/dT proportional to V? etc.
Thanks -the Na2 is the useful bit. I shall be ordering different dimensions anyway.Yes the magnets are 25x10x3mm n52 rare earth il use whoever selling them cheepest on the internet.
Why is this?Basically you need a conductor for the magnetic flux to link the coils !
OK, GO AWAY! But before you do, does you know if one can build a generator in which the coils are NOT in series? Series just doesn't seem right to me but I have never workt with building generators.On Magnets, All I have seen is "Ive now got some bigger magnets to try also these are 25x10x3 and much much more powerfull and also cheeper!"
Maybe you have an ebay reference number? I have bought too many things and got the wrong ones because I wasn't so specific on E&@y. The supplier and a reference usually nails it.
On Voltage and current - sorry I missed that. - Somehow there are a load of posts I haven't read? a lot of pictures I had not seen? - I guess they were lost in the ether?
Now looking at the 12V x 1.8A I would have expected a similar sized motorcycle alternator to produce 10Amps at 3000rpm, but around 3 ~4 amps at 1000rpm. But with old "steel" magnets, not modern rare earth magnets. - This with a 0.004" air gap between rotor and stator poles. So maybe this difference is due to the number of windings, or the iron core in the motorcycle alternator? Remember Voltage proportional to rotor speed, but Current proportional to field strength and number of windings. Current LIMIT is based on wire size.
Sorry about my missed stuff, but I am only trying to help you work out a good design. I do accept the command from the "Go away" button if you wish me to do so. (You won't be the first to say that).
This is wired in single phase, just two terminal ends to deal with. It could also be done in three phase with a different rotor config.OK, GO AWAY! But before you do, does you know if one can build a generator in which the coils are NOT in series? Series just doesn't seem right to me but I have never workt with building generators.
Why is this?