One of the best sources of information on model boiler design is the Australian Miniature Boiler Safety Committee. (AMBSC) The four books (1) Copper (2) Steel (3) Sub-miniature and (4) Duplex Steel
Model Boilers & Boilermaking by K. N. Harris has a wealth of good design information and construction methods. Topics covered include fuel and firing and accessories. (Copper boilers)
Model Locomotive Boilers by Martin Evans is also a good source of design information and methods. It covers welding equipment, workshop equipment, water, fuel and combustion, oil and gas firing, and testing. The testing is more than a simple hydro a full engineering test stand designed by J. Ewins is described with drawings of the boiler and test results. (Copper and steel boilers)
Safety of Copper Boilers by Kozo Hiraoka this nine page article was first in
Live Steam & O.R. (Vol. 40 No. 6 Nov-Dec 2006) and is included in
Building the New Shay. The design rules are presented in graph form for simplicity with the ASME formulas and code designation listed in the appendix. All graphs have a metric and an imperial version. The graphs are (1) Minimum thickness for a cylindrical shell under internal pressure (2) Maximum allowable pitch of symmetrically arranged staybolts (3) Maximum allowable diameter of a circle enclosing an unstayed surface area (4) Minimum staybolt diameter. This book like all of Kozos books is a treasure trove of useful information for the model engineer.
These are the four main sources of model boiler information in my stack. Several other model engineering books I own have boiler chapters but the information is not a complete design system. These include works by Greenly, LBSC, Tubal Cain, and Martin Evans.
Cheers Dan
I didn’t know this section was on here. I’ve posed some already about my new hobby,,,,steam engines an boilers.
Have. 4 cyl piston port mill stem engine ordered from chilertern in uk. They have been absolutely wonderful to deal with. I get overnight emails even though theeis 6 hours difference.
in my situation I simpl. Cannot have a fuel fired beer. I’ll have t use an ultra quivering compressor for initial start uwhhile I’m building the electrically heated boiler I write some about it already in the steam nine group. It’s 44” da meter 6062 aluminum 3/16 wall tube. I initially thought of makin it from a solid bar f aluminum, but between it being early wasteful even though I have a solid bar of 4” aluminum, it meant cutting threads internally on or ennd externally on a screw in end cap, it involved a lot of work I’m visually impaired ou will se spelling errors making some out of context things appear. I’m medically not even supposed to be in the shop. I have to use magnifying glass use to read micrometer. Lus the shop is 60 miles away so I have limited time there too. While I lit screw in cap would have been stronger I really wanted ssuprr high pressures. . I’m new to boilers so I had to do some self educating. I’m a life long mechanical ngineer anddtool. Maker welder. So I don’t have fabrication problems other an those I create myself. I hav access to solid works but limited. I hate manual drawing boards but have to give in to my med issues and make endless sketches and calculations. So enough.
I’ve determined my boiler is a heated water boiler not a fire tube boile like a locomotive. I hav a 50watt anda1200 watt electric immersion heaters. I was only going to use one ut I can plu theminto different circuits in my
home.they should provide enough heat. The oiler has 10 1/2” ter tubes mounted in two aluminum ulheads . With heater going under
them.the end caps have Teflon o rings it’s thee made by a retaining late oorming one side of the
groove.that way th o ring does not have to be stretched over g of he groove. The engin pistons. Are made the same
way.there will be a row of 8 NPT female fitting ports tapped in the upper or top of the tube for outlet boilerr I’ll pressure age tem gage plushe end cap will hav ports for levee and das well a ande port. May use a stainless steel center tie rod for extra safety. I’ve done hoop stress including the ring f button head end cap retaining screws. I think it is strong enough. I also have sketches for a simulation max pressure test. I’ve done this in industry. So I’m eelamiliarwith this. Test. We have a hyydaulic pump so I’ll be s
able to pressurize the test fixture t faailre when the time come it will be pressurized with water in a water tank so no explosions. It will fail by leaking first. Also the boiler wilhave two mounting legs on s solid aluminum plate. I may use a hot plate to keep intermittent if necessary the boiler will be wrapped with automotive exhaust header issuatingbwrap. Then a olished stainless steel decorative wrap. So Er is lots going on. My son and grand sn wi help with the machine work. Normally I’d TIG WELD IT BUT I JUST CANT SEE WELL ENOUGH TO MAKE ACCEPTABLE WELD. Did exactly this shortly after retirement but medically I can’t now. Ivory material and I jstfiised the boilerr tubes . I had not planned using both h easters but I have I ont know j ha fast the engine will run but I plan on abo 1,000 rpm cruising. I have a cool dynamo an at least half a dozen stepper moors and another half a dozen small gear motors so plenty of experiential stuff. I forgot I have two stem turbine
too.the on thing I just ran into is the onmiser o. Condenser. I’m trying to lesrn a little about these but for models probably not necessary. I’ll have lubicated stem or air so my initial thought is to use the turbines as centrifugeto strain the remaining oil out of the exhaust steam air. I have an extra ir filter I can use too. them so in they go.
From my description aybe y’all could comment good o bad.I won’t have the engine for another couple weeks but I’ll start assembly right away As soon as it arrives. Take pictures as progress goes on the
boiler.maybe a video E mounting board or floor is going to be 1/8” laminated oak oak strips in casting resin so it’s glass smooth. In other words a scale wood floor. I have a plastic mounting and assembly board now until eerthing is ready.everything is ready.
my kitty wants me to cne to bed so until later.