ML Midge Build

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hi Jack! thanks! i already have the plans, i´m thinking about what engine build first, a Boll Aero or the midge.... i have a small lathe, today got a 4 jaw chuck, and tomorrow will get an small mill, so, once i have the mill, will see which is easier to fix in my small machines. anyway, the midge is my favorite as i´m a free flight guy, and seems any Vic Smeed design can be flow with it.
by the way... your midge with fuel suction problem..... the carter have a nice fit? maybe you have some leak and not enough vacuum to such the fuel... will be nice to see your engines running!
Hi Chris,
I don't know if you are aware, but my post to you was six years ago! Thanks for the response though. Since then I managed to get the Midge running by placing a seperate fuel tank above the carb so gravity would assist the flow of fuel. I was able to get it to run continuously but it was still a little rough. I was happy with that. I built a pair of Midges and the other one runs beautifully. They were never intended to power a model and both now reside on display stands.


Jack I wasn't aware-but my response above was just responding to the daily digest I get which shows new daily posts-I must confess I didn't check the date of the preceding post-(your post #135) relative to the last post #136 when I replied.....obviously I should have! That being said, designer Mark Lubbock's intent was to design a motor that was both easy to make-AND produce enough to fly a model.....his 0.8cc version did fly a 2 channel R/c model quite successfully. And we have one locally here which I've seen flying a free flight vintage model......which is where mine will end up when i finally get around to finishing it...

old threads being resurrected years later seems to be a perennial problem-I get this on many other fora as well....often to the extent that the original poster has in some cases either died, or alternatively dropped out of modelling-but you often don't realise the time gap when you get notified of a new post in a very old thread.....

In your specific case it would seem your Midge is lacking suction, which is a rare problem in sideports-which generally suffer from too much rather than too little-but this could arise from multiple issues-slightly too large a venturi bore, not enough restriction from the spraybar, poor atomisation, needle geometry etc.
