Have a quick gander at the site link below on the construction details of a Seagull single cylinder.
Any of the sections would suffice and remembering if you are into a four cylinder , times 4 for almost everything.
Author has very kindly included the time spent on each part.
Built a single in a boat maybe 20 years ago, first ic engine, had done steam and other previously so was aware of the order of "machining steps".
Trip to the local boat pond with the grandkids used to end up in an almost all afternoon event as kids came from everywhere for a 2 minute "drive of the boat".
Tank is about 3oz from memory and so it was about a 15 minute turn-around, refuel, re-start and out again.
Boat is a scale neptune around 650mm length and engine is a 7.5cc side valve, 2 single cams, water cooled, glow ignition, methanol @4:1.
Allowance for spark ignition and a set of points at the rear, castings all made here.
Large flywheel to get idle down to a tick-over, works great.
Did have an old book from the 50's that had been reprinted many times, went in the flood here but I'll ask George about the name of it. Might be old but many things still apply.
Mostly used it before the internet became what it is today. Vast amounts of info freely available in model engineering sites, might take a bit to find sometimes but it's there. Just have to weed out good from bad ideas or to allow for your machining gear.
Mastiff marine engine might be worth a look also, 25cc side valve flat four.