Machining aluminum crankcases for model airplane engines question (see image of ML Midge crankcase with my notes):
There is a great article here about how to setup the work so the crankshaft bore is perpendicular to the cylinder, but I had concerns about the drill wandering too much during machining on the lathe. I think the concentricity of the 7/32" (0.219) plain journal in the crankcase is perhaps just as important as its surface finish. See article here:
There is a great article here about how to setup the work so the crankshaft bore is perpendicular to the cylinder, but I had concerns about the drill wandering too much during machining on the lathe. I think the concentricity of the 7/32" (0.219) plain journal in the crankcase is perhaps just as important as its surface finish. See article here:
- does it make sense to drill, bore, and then ream a hole, or if you drill then bore that is good enough?
- does a drill wander more in steel than in aluminum?
- for example, is it ok to drill a 1/4 diameter hole that is 1 inch long in aluminum and just ream it, or is boring always required?
- how accurate should the quill runout on the lathe be? Like if its out by 0.002 inches over 4 inches is that too much?