well i started a new job about a month ago sort of part time right now and its kind of hard to get to as i cant drive yet (ill be 18 soon) its an old school shop all most everything is done with the CNC's and they do use all the manual lathes but they dont touch the manual mills i had a chat to some of the guys and only one Bridgeport is ever used on a rare occasion and the rest (a second J head Bridgeport, a horizontal and a universal) are never used the second Bridgeport had its motor taken out for the first one and its not even the original so im fairly sure this mill is never going to be used for more than a storage table so....
would it be a bad idea (since im only casual) to ask what they have planed for it and if possible what sort of price they would let it go out the door for?
also when i got my lathe (new 12x36" great big head ach) i found it took so long to get up and running and i would have been so much better getting a smaller lathe at the time but now i find it a great size with heaps of power even so i told myself get a small mill like an X2 DONT GET a big bench one that will drain your cash!! and now im thinking of a Bridgeport!! am i just crazy come on someone help me.... stop me :-[
would it be a bad idea (since im only casual) to ask what they have planed for it and if possible what sort of price they would let it go out the door for?
also when i got my lathe (new 12x36" great big head ach) i found it took so long to get up and running and i would have been so much better getting a smaller lathe at the time but now i find it a great size with heaps of power even so i told myself get a small mill like an X2 DONT GET a big bench one that will drain your cash!! and now im thinking of a Bridgeport!! am i just crazy come on someone help me.... stop me :-[