Well here it is almost finished (apart from a bit of polishing) I managed the glass disks by sandwiching the glass see..
Here it is running on the bar at 20 rpm under a 20W downlighter
the blur is because of the camera / low light level.
Here it is stopped.
I used stops at both ends to prevent das dumpfkoppenrubbernekkenundsightseeren from knocking it out of the cradle - it runs fine with only one.
And a video of it running.
The speed it was turning (when I grabbed it) was the stable speed it was running at the time.
The speed has been going down as ambient light levels dropped (I hope that's why its been slowing down) and its now dark outside and ticking over at a turgid 15 rpm which is nice as a conversation piece for the bar.
At this speed its not self starting which I suspect is a ballance issue - the torque is so very low - with a brighter light it self starts.
I haven't tried it in direct sunlight yet it will probably go ape.
Give me a couple of days to tidy up the drawings & build notes and I will post it under the downloads section.
Edit - P.S. Apart from this project I have been desinging and building some powerful magnetic grippers for robotic use.
These powerful magnets are a curse - everything that comes in contact becomes magnetic (yeah sure - I'll demagnetize them later), they can jump together violently enough to shatter against each other - and really big magnets can do some serious damage to your digits if they get in between a pair.
Tools leap off the bench to attack you or whatever it is you are working on - my normally docile scriber leapt off the bench and impaled itself in my finger. In a jealous rage my pliers took a snap at my project.
My advice - clear the workspace and keep it as clear as possible for the duration (do as I say - not as I do !).