It's time we read and relearn the forum rules!!!

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Dec 29, 2016
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Viet Nam
I visit the forum often, even though I'm not online
I have read many comments about politics, people...
It's time we read and relearn the forum rules!!!
And it seems to be the rule of almost all forums, groups.... and it very easy to do it . But I don't understand why some people can't do it!??

Heres the rules
So, the ribbing and teasing are now offensive to someone? I have not seen much of the things you are complaining about, so is it a problem, or are your sensitiveties much easier to offend. I am a 64 year old geezer and can generally give as good as I get, but if I find something offensive or out of order I will generally bring it up then and there rather than hide behind some vague general post. And it grows tiresome that some seem to always have to try their "minority veto" because everyone must conform to their way of doing things. We have quite a variety - Older and younger, English men and Americans and Auussies and New Zealanders and those from Singapore and South Africa and elsewhere. We all have our own habits, and language (that can sometimes really confuse things), but for the most part we trade ideas and tips without much more that a bit of kidding.

I guess that what I am saying is this, don't go looking to be offended, it is surely going to happen at some point, but I would doubt that it is intentional, and others deserve forgiveness for a bad day just like you do.
No offense meant and none taken. And I don't see where anyone said that good natured ribbing and teasing is offensive. I was only agreeing that the rules should be followed. I am sure each of them was added for a reason.

My experience on the previous forum, which is what I was relating, saw a lot of meaningful discussions totally sabatoged by mean spirited arguments, mostly political.
I have to be honest that I have not seen any of that here, nor am I looking for it. The members all seem to be pretty good folks.
So, the ribbing and teasing are now offensive to someone? I have not seen much of the things you are complaining about, so is it a problem, or are your sensitiveties much easier to offend. I am a 64 year old geezer and can generally give as good as I get, but if I find something offensive or out of order I will generally bring it up then and there rather than hide behind some vague general post. And it grows tiresome that some seem to always have to try their "minority veto" because everyone must conform to their way of doing things. We have quite a variety - Older and younger, English men and Americans and Auussies and New Zealanders and those from Singapore and South Africa and elsewhere. We all have our own habits, and language (that can sometimes really confuse things), but for the most part we trade ideas and tips without much more that a bit of kidding.

I guess that what I am saying is this, don't go looking to be offended, it is surely going to happen at some point, but I would doubt that it is intentional, and others deserve forgiveness for a bad day just like you do.
I hear your point, and agree with it ... but I would add that, in my experience, one needs to work extra-hard on a forum to make sure that joking really is heard as joking, and that it really is joking (rather than making digs under the disguise of humor). Without the extra "channels" of body language and tone of voice, it is all too easy for something to come across in a way that is offensive even if it was not meant to be offensive. I agree that I have not seen too much that has been problematic here, but it does sometimes occur. :(
Too true Andy. We should all stick to the "plain and boring technical stuff" without showing character or opinion - or at least add a rider to our perceived witticisms apologising in advance as "no offence intended". IMHO We live in a "new society", where personal opinion must be quashed in case it offends anyone. Or at least that is how I judge life from my experience of the last decade or so...? OOps, just broke another rule... I expressed an opinion.
See how easy it is?
Thanks Minh-Thanh: I didn't know there were real rules, but now I do, I'll try and adopt them. But - if we can be serious - any offensive breach of rules should be fed back to the author. And I guess any repetition should be advised to the Forum administrator....
Do let me know directly if you find my posts offensive. Personally, I have not found anything offensive on this site (even questions about my pseudonym and gender!), and hope that my comments are equally inoffensive, as none is ever intended.
I have to say, that this has been a surprisingly meaningful discussion and that I have learned something. (Even at 71, I still want to learn at least one new thing a day.) Maybe I have become over-sensitized to political and other hot-button comments, mainly due to what seems like a constant bombardment that we receive everyday, from the media and the social networks. But this forum, in a way, is like a little oasis, somehow immune to that stuff, and I guess my concerns were unfounded. Believe it or not, I am thick skinned and can take a joke without flinching. Again, it seems like this forum has its own equilibrium, and I don't want to mess that up. And I really am enjoying myself here.
Thanks all, for your thoughts.
I have to say, that this has been a surprisingly meaningful discussion and that I have learned something. (Even at 71, I still want to learn at least one new thing a day.) Maybe I have become over-sensitized to political and other hot-button comments, mainly due to what seems like a constant bombardment that we receive everyday, from the media and the social networks. But this forum, in a way, is like a little oasis, somehow immune to that stuff, and I guess my concerns were unfounded. Believe it or not, I am thick skinned and can take a joke without flinching. Again, it seems like this forum has its own equilibrium, and I don't want to mess that up. And I really am enjoying myself here.
Thanks all, for your thoughts.

Hear! Hear!
I have to say, that this has been a surprisingly meaningful discussion and that I have learned something. (Even at 71, I still want to learn at least one new thing a day.) Maybe I have become over-sensitized to political and other hot-button comments, mainly due to what seems like a constant bombardment that we receive everyday, from the media and the social networks. But this forum, in a way, is like a little oasis, somehow immune to that stuff, and I guess my concerns were unfounded. Believe it or not, I am thick skinned and can take a joke without flinching. Again, it seems like this forum has its own equilibrium, and I don't want to mess that up. And I really am enjoying myself here.
Thanks all, for your thoughts.

Hi Lloyd,

Living in a college town will make you think everyone is as hyper sensitized as the current crop of whiny little man bun pierced, gaged, and inked up weasels that want to exclude and censor anyone not just like them from their "inclusiveness" utopia. It's quite sad the media loved to give them so much attention, most everyone I know finds them irksome and irrelevant :)

I don't think I've ever seen a malicious post here, just occasionally one that needs a second reading to figure out...

current crop of whiny little man bun pierced, gaged, and inked up weasels that want to exclude and censor anyone not just like them from their "inclusiveness" utopia.
In the 1970's, there were people saying the same kinds of things about young people. Like after the Kent State Massacre where parents were reported as saying 'They only got four. Should have been more."

Rather than applying pergorative labels, maybe you could try to understand the world they face. Just for an example, the "American Dream" is now dead. Youth _cannot_ expect to have a better standard of living than their parents. The middle class is shrinking and being left behind as the super wealthy rake in more and more. How would you like to face the prospect that you'll have to work harder than your parents and still not be able to afford what they had. Assuming you aren't downsized and end up unemployable.

So Cheers to you too, Stan,

So, the ribbing and teasing are now offensive to someone? I have not seen much of the things you are complaining about, so is it a problem, or are your sensitiveties much easier to offend. I am a 64 year old geezer and can generally give as good as I get, but if I find something offensive or out of order I will generally bring it up then and there rather than hide behind some vague general post. And it grows tiresome that some seem to always have to try their "minority veto" because everyone must conform to their way of doing things. We have quite a variety - Older and younger, English men and Americans and Auussies and New Zealanders and those from Singapore and South Africa and elsewhere. We all have our own habits, and language (that can sometimes really confuse things), but for the most part we trade ideas and tips without much more that a bit of kidding.

I guess that what I am saying is this, don't go looking to be offended, it is surely going to happen at some point, but I would doubt that it is intentional, and others deserve forgiveness for a bad day just like you do.
Yes, it happened to ME on this particular forum. I asked one of the fellows what he thot about a particular videa. He got very upset. Still do not know why.
I think the moderators are a very level headed bunch and will intervene if anyone oversteps the mark - normally a mild warning is all that is required.
It is difficult when the "mark" is a very wide and fuzzy object - the mods do a great job.
That said most members here are equally level headed but then we are mostly engineering types who live in the real world of the physically possible.
Of all the web sites I visit this one has the least sniping and ad-hominem insults of them all. I'd like it to stay that way.
Regards, Ken
I think the moderators are a very level headed bunch and will intervene if anyone oversteps the mark - normally a mild warning is all that is required.
It is difficult when the "mark" is a very wide and fuzzy object - the mods do a great job.
That said most members here are equally level headed but then we are mostly engineering types who live in the real world of the physically possible.
Of all the web sites I visit this one has the least sniping and ad-hominem insults of them all. I'd like it to stay that way.
Regards, Ken
I'd also say it is the most readable and most informative.

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