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In my opinion that doesn't make sense .

The ch340 chip is basicly an usb to serial tranceiver . And like every usb device windows needs a driver for it .
Win7 doesn't have it so it has to be downloaded and installed separatly prior to the first use .

So it's true that the chinese clones with CH340 chip are not recognised at first by widows and /or the arduino gui .
But this goes for both the uno and the nano . Once I installed the ch340 driver they both worked but the nano did have the
eeprom issue and the uno didn't .
Strange but like i said a never run in to that problem but knew there was something with those 340 chips, could also just be you got a bad batch i once got a small batch of nano which came without usbmicro ports installed , it was a hell to order the right usb ports where the board was designd for so they would fit properly.
I tried it on at least 4 different boards , all cheap chinese nano clones .
All behaved thesame .

My uno however , wich is also a chinese clone with the exact same chip on it as the nano's
didn't have this issue at all . I wrote to the eeprom several times to test if I did something wrong .
It never failed .

The only thing different between the two boards is the bootloader . Most likely there's a conflict somewhere
as this software was written for and tested on an uno .

The nano's did completely lock up when trying to write to the eeprom , even the reset button wouldn't work .
I had to cycle power get them running again .

So If I were to persue this I would burn an uno bootloader on the nano and see if that makes a difference .
I'm quite convinced it will .
Interesting ... and I can only imagine, frustrating. Thanks for this heads up - it may save me some time down the road if I encounter this problem!
In my opinion that doesn't make sense .

The ch340 chip is basicly an usb to serial tranceiver . And like every usb device windows needs a driver for it .
Win7 doesn't have it so it has to be downloaded and installed separatly prior to the first use .

So it's true that the chinese clones with CH340 chip are not recognised at first by widows and /or the arduino gui .
But this goes for both the uno and the nano . Once I installed the ch340 driver they both worked but the nano did have the
eeprom issue and the uno didn't .
That's kinda what I was saying. Letting others know that the version of operating system they're running can affect their outcome.
I had issues with my Nano "clones" that I got 1-2 years ago. I got them from 2 different suppliers, 3-4 from each supplier, and both had the 340 chip in them. But they required 2 different "CH340 fixed" drivers to be able to talk to them. One driver would talk to the Nano's from one supplier but not from the other supplier, and vice-versa. I never did find a driver that would let me talk to all of them.

I just would like to tell you all some things about Arduinos that might be interesting to you to know...

Regarding the communication, I mean USB to TTL conversion, there are (at least?) three chips to do that. They are the FT232RL by FTDI who was the developer of this technology, then the Atmega16U2 by Atmel and finally the Chinese CH340G. Prices are in the same order from high to low. There was a dispute some time ago the ended up FTDI making their driver incompatible with any other.
Anyway, what makes Arduinos cheaper was the CH340G.
I do not know certainly if (Arduino authentic and original boards) is currently using FTDI chips in their board but I do know they are using the Atmega16U2.
There is a file in the Arduino IDE installation that contains the AVR cores for all the boards. This is what you use when you set the board to which you want to load your sketch (program).
Although the Arduinos UNO, Nano, Pro Mini, etc. use the same Atmega328P chip, if you look inside the core definition, they have different settings. It is all regarding the board design, if it use a crystal or a resonator and so on.
Digging inside the chip guts, there things called "fuses" that can be set in different ways developing different behaviors for the same chip.
When you burn the Bootloader it set these fuses as required in the AVR core definition BUT this is following the setting for an Arduino Original because you are using the Arduino IDE that is also an Original product.
So, if you are using, as an example, an Arduino Nano clone with a CH340G, you are setting all this things for an authentic Arduino Nano with an Atmega16U2 USB to TTL chipset. It is just there where the problems with the communication, memory, etc. may start.
There are also some bootloaders with differences between them. You have the bootloader (arduino original?), the old bootloader (?) and the Optiboot. So you must set the correct one when you are preparing the IDE to upload your program.

It is possible to set the fuses in any way you want (you must be very careful because you can turn your micro in a brick if you make a mistake doing this). To do this you will need a ICSP programmer (avrasp) and a software (Avrdude). Also it is possible to load your program to the microcontroller without any bootloader and you will be saving 2K for your sketch (the bootloader use 2K of the 32K available in the ATmega328P).

Finally, in my opinion, it would be better to spend a little more buying an original product or, at least, one that have the Atmega16U2 USB to TTL chip.

Hope this help a bit explaining from where the problems with this clone board come from. :)
I just would like to tell you all some things about Arduinos that might be interesting to you to know...

Regarding the communication, I mean USB to TTL conversion, there are (at least?) three chips to do that. They are the FT232RL by FTDI who was the developer of this technology, then the Atmega16U2 by Atmel and finally the Chinese CH340G. Prices are in the same order from high to low. There was a dispute some time ago the ended up FTDI making their driver incompatible with any other.
Anyway, what makes Arduinos cheaper was the CH340G.
I do not know certainly if (Arduino authentic and original boards) is currently using FTDI chips in their board but I do know they are using the Atmega16U2.
There is a file in the Arduino IDE installation that contains the AVR cores for all the boards. This is what you use when you set the board to which you want to load your sketch (program).
Although the Arduinos UNO, Nano, Pro Mini, etc. use the same Atmega328P chip, if you look inside the core definition, they have different settings. It is all regarding the board design, if it use a crystal or a resonator and so on.
Digging inside the chip guts, there things called "fuses" that can be set in different ways developing different behaviors for the same chip.
When you burn the Bootloader it set these fuses as required in the AVR core definition BUT this is following the setting for an Arduino Original because you are using the Arduino IDE that is also an Original product.
So, if you are using, as an example, an Arduino Nano clone with a CH340G, you are setting all this things for an authentic Arduino Nano with an Atmega16U2 USB to TTL chipset. It is just there where the problems with the communication, memory, etc. may start.
There are also some bootloaders with differences between them. You have the bootloader (arduino original?), the old bootloader (?) and the Optiboot. So you must set the correct one when you are preparing the IDE to upload your program.

It is possible to set the fuses in any way you want (you must be very careful because you can turn your micro in a brick if you make a mistake doing this). To do this you will need a ICSP programmer (avrasp) and a software (Avrdude). Also it is possible to load your program to the microcontroller without any bootloader and you will be saving 2K for your sketch (the bootloader use 2K of the 32K available in the ATmega328P).

Finally, in my opinion, it would be better to spend a little more buying an original product or, at least, one that have the Atmega16U2 USB to TTL chip.

Hope this help a bit explaining from where the problems with this clone board come from. :)
After reading this i remember again that that was about the explaination i had read when i was busy with grbl and the nano.
Couple of years back , i forgot most just that there where isues with the ch340, but reading your explaination brought it all back lol.
Now i can forget about it again for another 5years when this gets brought up again and im coding again lol
Finally, in my opinion, it would be better to spend a little more buying an original product or, at least, one that have the Atmega16U2 USB to TTL chip.


Totally agree with you, but when I bought the Nanos it was my first foray into the Arduino world, and I didn't want to spend too much. I thought I'd limit my losses if I didn't like it. I bought some cheap Nano "Development" kits and some plain Nanos - just in case I let the magic smoke out of something. Haven't let any smoke out yet, but I lost a lot of hair over that communication issue.

OK I found my noted from when I had to do the fix on my nanos . I'll just do a cut & paste

If you buy Cheap Chinese Arduinos that come with CH340G from eBay
Uno R3 Ch340g on eBay
You will need CH340G converter Windows 7 driver download
How to for 7 & 8 And Windows 8 driver download
I couldn't find a driver for Windows XP
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Mar 29, 2016
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Thanks Clyde , Don't have anything xxxx-uino :p but have a USB serial with this IC , Cheers ,CH340G.jpg
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Mar 29, 2016
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Yeah i found that out a while back, but what is good news is that once installed it works pretty well.
I'll see as time goes on, but looks good so far.

Only strange thing is that when i plug the Nano with the chip into a different USB port, it wants to and does install it as a different COM port again. It starts at about COM 5, then works it's way up. It's up to about COM 24 now.
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If i miss something you posted or something you think is important, feel free to PM me.
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Mar 8, 2020
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On the Arduino forum they are talking about issues with 1.8.11.
I have a good working older version on my Windows 10 computer but I don’t want to mess it up.
Has anyone found the CH340 driver for Windows XP? I am thinking mine is 32 bit because it doesn’t say 64 bit anywhere.
I installed Arduino 1.8.0 hoping they had that driver built in by now. It still doesn’t recognize an UNO.

Edited to say: This CH341ser driver works on my old system.
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