Well its done. It runs. Looks decent enough but I think the quality of workmanship (dare I say, craftsmanship?) needs much improvement. But considering what I knew when I started
Im pretty happy. Yep. Pretty happy.
My regular happy dance tune was pre-empted. And I ran out of time trying to remember another (has it been so long?)
so the vid ends with a tune that Im sure many of you will relate to
that is
you older folks
like me.
This started July 19. Its not just the fourth engine Ive built
its the fourth anything Ive machined. And for me
its the first real engine. I dont mean to take away from the other engines Ive made
the wobbler, the rocker, or the launch engine
but this engine has features that sets it apart.
It doesnt compare to other works of art on this forum
but for me
this was a very satisfying achievement.
What a trip. Wife came home after a year stint in Brussels, daughter #2 went away to college in TN, and daughter #1 had a daughter
making me a granddad!
And what fun! What a great forum and great bunch of people. My most humble apologies to those I dont mention
but just off the top of my head
Vernon (who spent a lot of time talking me through things
.but still owes me beer), Marv (whos always looking over my shoulder and saying uh huh uh huh), Dean (who probably doesnt know what a Minstrel is), kvom, foozer, shred, Chuck, Gail, Arnold!, CC, Bill, Rick (who made the forum possible), Dave, KK, MB, Tin (the only one Ive actually met in person), Tony, Bob, Kermit, black85vette, Steve, Joe, Phil, Artie, Paolo, Rob, tel, Mike, Anthony, Jim, Wesley,
Okay I lied
not off the top of my head
started searching through the thread
its a long thread! But if you didnt see your name
you missed it!
I know Ive forgotten some
Im really sorry about that
.but youre very much appreciated. Did I say Vernon? Marv? Should I forget Vernon?
Thank you all. Thank you very much. Like I said before
finding this hobby was a life saver for me. Finding this forum means you all had a part in saving this life.