Given in the spirit of free knowledge. It welcomes discussion and even arguments (See if I care) ;D
Its purpose is to promote a safe and knowledgeable start into Milling in the Home Workshop. It is not the bee all and end all by any means, just a start.
All you need is 5% knowledge (provided here) 5% skill you will have to provide that and 90% love, care and patience.
If I can do it so can you
Milling Speeds & Feeds.
These notes apply to Home Workshop Milling Machines covering the RF45/30 to the small bench top machines like the Sherline and Taig, in a normal milling operation.
The First 4 criteria.
A) Rigidity.
B) Rigidity
C) Rigidity
D) Rigidity
No not being funny - really important. More so than speeds and feeds.
A) The whole machine needs to be rigid, ideally bolted down especially the bench types.
B) When moving 1 axis the other 2 must be locked. All the axis should be adjusted for minimum play. When using the hand wheel a slight drag should be felt.
C) The tool must be held in a rigid and proper manner, (a drill chuck is not good) and must remain such whilst rotating and cutting. A sloppy Z axis or quill will give a poor finish and can break your mills.
D) The work piece must be held in a rigid manner, this does not mean tightening the clamps as tight as you can. It means use 4 clamps instead of 2. Always try to mill against the fixed jaw if using a vice.
Slot Mill is only used to cut slots that is what it is designed for.
The correct way to cut a slot whether an open or closed one is as follows:
Always cut in the same direction. At the end of the slot length raise the tool traverse back to the start, lower the tool and cut again. Cutting backwards and forwards will only make the slot over size and produces a poor finish. Keep removing the chips. The maximum depth of cut is half the diameter of the slot mill D/2. This is a maximum, it is not what you have to make the depth of cut.
On closed slots even though most slot mills are centre cutting, a hole drilled at the start can help to stop over sizing at the start. Hole size 50 80% of slot mill diameter.
End Mills are used for profiling again that is what they are designed to do. Not facing using the end although we all do it. End mills should not be used for slots so the depth of cut has nothing to do with how deep the cut is as in the Slot mill. The depth of cut is how far the side of the mill goes into the work piece. The maximum depth of cut is ¼ of the diameter D/4, over a length D of the end Mill. For a 12 mm dia end mill on maximum cut will produce a step that is 12mm deep down into the work piece and 3mm deep (horizontal) into the work piece. A step 12mm deep 3mm wide.
So far so good, now comes the tricky bit.
It is the type of material that defines how it is cut, not the cutter. (Told you it was tricky) ;D
All materials have optimum cutting parameters, which are used in Industry, on big heavy rigid machines, with sharp cutters and a re-sharpened or new cutter every shift or ½ shift and flood coolant.
So we cannot just use these Industry parameters, they are just not suitable for the Home Workshop Mill.
However the data is still useful to us it gives us a good starting point.
Please sir my cutter keeps on breaking Huh some people are just bloody clumsy!
Cutter breakage is mainly caused by the following:
1) Feed rate too high. (The table is moving too fast)
2) Speed too slow (Spindle RPM is too slow)
3) Depth of cut too big.(Biting off more than you can chew)
4) Build up of chips. On the cutter, in the slot.
Not just one of the above can break your mill but 2 or 3 or all 4 working together can, so there is a lot out to get you!
They also give us the poor finishes.
Now the bit you are all waiting for how fast must my ½ end mill go?
Well disappointing not fast more like how slow. Compared to what is used in Industry.
Lets look at the data.
Feed. This is a measure of how far the table travels per tooth of the cutter, eg. Feed is .003 for mild steel, so on a 4 tooth cutter the table can move 4 x .003 = .012 per revolution of the cutter; because each tooth will cut .003.
Cutting speed. This tells you how fast the cutter can go(RPM) The type of cutter (HSS / Carbide) and the work piece material determine it. The cutting speed is given in feet per minute (or Metres per minute). So for steel and HSS end mill this is 150 to 200 ft/min. To get the spindle speed all we have to do is divide the cutters circumference into the cutting speed. The distance around the ½ cutter is = Pi x Dia.= the circumference. But (and there is always a but) everything needs to be in inches (or mm in metric). We will take 200 x12 makes it inches and we divide the circumference of the cutter into it. Thus (200 x 12) / (3.142 x 0.5) = approx 1500 RPM ( in your dreams) half it 750 RPM.
Now you have the speed of the ½ cutter 750RPM (fair whizzing eh!) Disappointed! you are an adult get over it!
All we need now is how fast can we move (travel) the table more slow than fast.
We have from the Feed .012 per revolution, so 750 revolutions per min x .012 = 9 per minute. Too quick for us so half it.
Here it is then - ½ 4 flute HSS cutter @ 750rpm and a feed rate (table movement) of 4.5 per min.
Nearly finished! -Still with it.
This is all at the maximum depth of cut of 1/8 D/4. Until you get to know your machine and the material you are cutting lets start with 1/32 depth of cut. Listen to the machine feel the vibrations. The machine will let you know if it does not like it.
If all seems well, increase the depth of cut keep clearing the chips away! This is your starting point, try increasing the feed rate first then increase the speed say to 1000rpm listen, watch and feel the machine. Be careful not to just increase the speed RPM because the cutter will get too hot.
The cutter must always cut never rub rubbing will blunt the cutter in no time.
Remember the chips come off fast and hot; be careful try to preserve your one good eye! ;D
So why does industry like the carbide end mills so much.
You said it is the material that defines the cut not the cutter.
I did and it does, a carbide mill Feed is still .003 same as the HSS but the carbide can go 2 to 3 time faster, therefore the feed rate (table speed) is 2 to 3 times quicker. Job done in 1/2 to1/3 rd of the time.
But sadly not for you or me our machines are just not rigid enough for those sorts of speeds and feed rates. Nevertheless there are some benefits for us, they will stay sharper longer than a HSS and we can run 50% faster and thus increase the feed rate by 25% to 50% . or just run them at the same speed, feed rate and depth of cut as HSS cutters and they will last a lot longer.
Another way to use carbide mills is to increase the speed by 50%, leave the feed rate and decrease the depth of cut to .005 to improve the quality of the finish. A finishing cut. ;D
The above covers slot and end mills 3mm (1/8) to 20mm (3/4) normal conventional milling.
Slot and end mills below 3mm are another story.
Happy milling
Its purpose is to promote a safe and knowledgeable start into Milling in the Home Workshop. It is not the bee all and end all by any means, just a start.
All you need is 5% knowledge (provided here) 5% skill you will have to provide that and 90% love, care and patience.
If I can do it so can you
Milling Speeds & Feeds.
These notes apply to Home Workshop Milling Machines covering the RF45/30 to the small bench top machines like the Sherline and Taig, in a normal milling operation.
The First 4 criteria.
A) Rigidity.
B) Rigidity
C) Rigidity
D) Rigidity
No not being funny - really important. More so than speeds and feeds.
A) The whole machine needs to be rigid, ideally bolted down especially the bench types.
B) When moving 1 axis the other 2 must be locked. All the axis should be adjusted for minimum play. When using the hand wheel a slight drag should be felt.
C) The tool must be held in a rigid and proper manner, (a drill chuck is not good) and must remain such whilst rotating and cutting. A sloppy Z axis or quill will give a poor finish and can break your mills.
D) The work piece must be held in a rigid manner, this does not mean tightening the clamps as tight as you can. It means use 4 clamps instead of 2. Always try to mill against the fixed jaw if using a vice.
Slot Mill is only used to cut slots that is what it is designed for.
The correct way to cut a slot whether an open or closed one is as follows:
Always cut in the same direction. At the end of the slot length raise the tool traverse back to the start, lower the tool and cut again. Cutting backwards and forwards will only make the slot over size and produces a poor finish. Keep removing the chips. The maximum depth of cut is half the diameter of the slot mill D/2. This is a maximum, it is not what you have to make the depth of cut.
On closed slots even though most slot mills are centre cutting, a hole drilled at the start can help to stop over sizing at the start. Hole size 50 80% of slot mill diameter.
End Mills are used for profiling again that is what they are designed to do. Not facing using the end although we all do it. End mills should not be used for slots so the depth of cut has nothing to do with how deep the cut is as in the Slot mill. The depth of cut is how far the side of the mill goes into the work piece. The maximum depth of cut is ¼ of the diameter D/4, over a length D of the end Mill. For a 12 mm dia end mill on maximum cut will produce a step that is 12mm deep down into the work piece and 3mm deep (horizontal) into the work piece. A step 12mm deep 3mm wide.
So far so good, now comes the tricky bit.
It is the type of material that defines how it is cut, not the cutter. (Told you it was tricky) ;D
All materials have optimum cutting parameters, which are used in Industry, on big heavy rigid machines, with sharp cutters and a re-sharpened or new cutter every shift or ½ shift and flood coolant.
So we cannot just use these Industry parameters, they are just not suitable for the Home Workshop Mill.
However the data is still useful to us it gives us a good starting point.
Please sir my cutter keeps on breaking Huh some people are just bloody clumsy!
Cutter breakage is mainly caused by the following:
1) Feed rate too high. (The table is moving too fast)
2) Speed too slow (Spindle RPM is too slow)
3) Depth of cut too big.(Biting off more than you can chew)
4) Build up of chips. On the cutter, in the slot.
Not just one of the above can break your mill but 2 or 3 or all 4 working together can, so there is a lot out to get you!
They also give us the poor finishes.
Now the bit you are all waiting for how fast must my ½ end mill go?
Well disappointing not fast more like how slow. Compared to what is used in Industry.
Lets look at the data.
Feed. This is a measure of how far the table travels per tooth of the cutter, eg. Feed is .003 for mild steel, so on a 4 tooth cutter the table can move 4 x .003 = .012 per revolution of the cutter; because each tooth will cut .003.
Cutting speed. This tells you how fast the cutter can go(RPM) The type of cutter (HSS / Carbide) and the work piece material determine it. The cutting speed is given in feet per minute (or Metres per minute). So for steel and HSS end mill this is 150 to 200 ft/min. To get the spindle speed all we have to do is divide the cutters circumference into the cutting speed. The distance around the ½ cutter is = Pi x Dia.= the circumference. But (and there is always a but) everything needs to be in inches (or mm in metric). We will take 200 x12 makes it inches and we divide the circumference of the cutter into it. Thus (200 x 12) / (3.142 x 0.5) = approx 1500 RPM ( in your dreams) half it 750 RPM.
Now you have the speed of the ½ cutter 750RPM (fair whizzing eh!) Disappointed! you are an adult get over it!
All we need now is how fast can we move (travel) the table more slow than fast.
We have from the Feed .012 per revolution, so 750 revolutions per min x .012 = 9 per minute. Too quick for us so half it.
Here it is then - ½ 4 flute HSS cutter @ 750rpm and a feed rate (table movement) of 4.5 per min.
Nearly finished! -Still with it.
This is all at the maximum depth of cut of 1/8 D/4. Until you get to know your machine and the material you are cutting lets start with 1/32 depth of cut. Listen to the machine feel the vibrations. The machine will let you know if it does not like it.
If all seems well, increase the depth of cut keep clearing the chips away! This is your starting point, try increasing the feed rate first then increase the speed say to 1000rpm listen, watch and feel the machine. Be careful not to just increase the speed RPM because the cutter will get too hot.
The cutter must always cut never rub rubbing will blunt the cutter in no time.
Remember the chips come off fast and hot; be careful try to preserve your one good eye! ;D
So why does industry like the carbide end mills so much.
You said it is the material that defines the cut not the cutter.
I did and it does, a carbide mill Feed is still .003 same as the HSS but the carbide can go 2 to 3 time faster, therefore the feed rate (table speed) is 2 to 3 times quicker. Job done in 1/2 to1/3 rd of the time.
But sadly not for you or me our machines are just not rigid enough for those sorts of speeds and feed rates. Nevertheless there are some benefits for us, they will stay sharper longer than a HSS and we can run 50% faster and thus increase the feed rate by 25% to 50% . or just run them at the same speed, feed rate and depth of cut as HSS cutters and they will last a lot longer.
Another way to use carbide mills is to increase the speed by 50%, leave the feed rate and decrease the depth of cut to .005 to improve the quality of the finish. A finishing cut. ;D
The above covers slot and end mills 3mm (1/8) to 20mm (3/4) normal conventional milling.
Slot and end mills below 3mm are another story.
Happy milling