Grif update

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Dec 6, 2009
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Hi guys ...... Sorry haven't been on. Been in hospital for last six months, with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Or GBS for short. Left me a vegetable, unable to move anything. It attacks the nerves which control all motor and sense of feeling. Most recover in one to three years. Just now learning to walk again. Still no sense of feeling or pressure in hands. Have to use wireless keyboard with touch pad on computer. One finger typing a real pain. If use mouse, am all over the place. Still have a new hit & miss 90% done. Hope to finish sometime. Well that's about all from this end. Will check in now that i am home.

Cheers GRIF
Thanks for the update Grif and wish you a speedy recovery
What a bugger. But if others recover, I hope you do as well. And you have that engine to finish!!

sorry to ear this kind of news but hang on
Ives got, over cancer twice now:fan:

A friend of mine went through that- it is horrible. He was about 1 year to recovery, now about 3 years later he is pretty much back to his old size and weight. That is one awful disease. Best of luck to you as you recover.
Keep your chin up Grif.....positive thinking is SO important, hope you'll be on the mend soon! Stew :)
What a bummer Grif, I wish you a speedy recovery. I'm with compspecial regarding a positive attitude, I'm a great believer that it helps with any illness.

Hi guys ...... Sorry haven't been on in a while, since 2014. Was coming along nicely climbing stairs and walking few blocks without any help or equipment. Then had set back about a year ago. Guess never know with GBS. Now can only walk short distance, balance problems, terrible pins and needles in hands and feet. With no sense of feeling makes you feel very unstable. Never going to give up. Will login more often to keep track of your builds. CHEERS Grif