There is a MEB, a MEM, an HMEM, and so why not a MEC, where one could go wild with model engine casting stuff ?
It think it is overdue.
It think it is overdue.
I agree .In the spirit of community and adventure that is our shop world (and the main point of it all, anyway),
It is with great sadness I see that so many on HMEM can not see the benefits of havingHi @GreenTwin .
I disagree and also agree with your last 2 threads
Good idea but we have to consider reality, and the reality is a bit harsh: How many people can design, 3D print, make molds....and cast at home and build and make engines run? ? I'm not talking about casting for sale - just casting at home.
Someone can cast at home, but first he has to build the engine and get it running and he is given information that to me - someone who is very comfortable with engine building - feels That's crazy - how could he build an engine to run it?
Still the old saying: We should do better than what we have done and said.
I agree, if there are different sub-categories, users would have to go to those categories to see 'new to them' ideas, I know I've seen things I wouldn't have searched out without them being all in the same place.I agree .
And if we are too principled about something, an issue, it will no longer be a hobby.
Making a new forum, a new will make the information, projects....more and more fragmented, a little here, a little there, a little there.... over there... over over there...and how does that help newbies? How will it help people looking for information? ...?? seems to be doing the opposite of what we usually say!???
I am new here. I am interested in lost foam casting and have built several contraptions for cutting the foam.Is there any interest in expanding the "Home Foundry and Castings Section" of this forum, to include separate folders for things like "Foundry Construction", "Investment Casting Methods", "Sand and Molding Techniques", "Casting Defects", "Pattern Making", etc. ?
It seems like once a topic goes into the que, then it moves down the que, and if you don't know exactly what to search for, then the topic is not really accessible.
Thoughts/suggestions ?
I have just had a look at some of the main catagories on the front page. None of them had any sub headings. Am I missing something? I would like to see sub headings for the casting section, and wonder if others feel the same about the catagory they visit.