Here's a bit more progress from the weekend. I finally got the governor lever cut off of the remainder of its billet, fettled up, and fitted to its pivot in a nice running fit. Found a stainless dowel too - nice not to have to make all the pivots!
At the end of last week I got the top of the governor arm pivot CNC'd to shape, including the profiled slots in the sides for the arms which I did with a 3mm slitting saw. I then milled the back off, before tapping M4 in the base (using the 1.6 pivot holes for alignment), and then mounted it on a M4 set screw in a lathe collet to turn the finial. Fiddly work, as it was doing its damndest to chatter, but with some sharp HSS and then hand blending/scraping, I think its come out quite nicely.
Last night I started fettling the governor arms (cnc'd from 3mm gauge plate, and then held in a collet to turn the ends down to 2.5 dia), only to find that the slitting saw I'd used to cut the slots in the pivot had too big a radius and the arms wouldn't quite go where they should, so yet again it was another needle file session to ease them into place. One done, one to go tonight... :wall:
There should be some 3/4" 316 stainless balls turning up today, so hopefully I'll get those drilled and bonded into place today ;D
What I've been using for some of these joints, which I'd whole heartedly recommend, is Araldite AV170. It's a heat cure single part epoxy, which cures at 160deg for an hour, but the bond strength beats the anaerobic adhesives we have here hands down. Well worth a try!
I'll have to get another camera, or my IPod repaired so that I can get some more machining pics again soon too, but in general I hope work will be speeding up on this, as (and I can't quite believe it myself) I've just been given a Colchester Chipmaster for my home workshop... woohoo1woohoo1woohoo1