stanstocker. That is a good video link demonstrating an eminently simple EDM design. Thanks for posting that. It was really quite interesting...
As for MEB... Yeah, I agree. Toni and Mike did a great job with the magazine. It seems to have pretty much ceased operation now though.
Glad you liked the video, it was a shock to realize it was almost 11 years ago that I talked with Lynn at Cabin Fever! I think Mike and Toni were there too.
As for MEB, I know they have a lot going on in their lives, the most recent issue was #39. I missed an issue or two as my email address had changed and I didn't think to let them know. Toni sent the download links and updated my info quickly, always good folks. I hope they are able to keep the mag going. Even digital publications seem to be going the way of shows and printed pubs as our world changes. They also really need people who can write to create the content, there is only so much that Mike can write, draw, and photograph. Without new and interesting content you don't have a reader base. I know other model engineering and woodworking related mags have the same issue. There are only so many articles about silver soldering or crankshaft machining that the world can absorb
/WARNING - OT and change of direction pondering about the future and nature of model engineering follows!
There are far more folks doing 3D printers and routers these days, with some coming over into our weird little world as they discover needs or desires that they can't meet with additive or lighter duty cutting machines.
The huge increase in interest and enjoyment of tabletop gaming has created a resurgence in model and figure making, some of which we see drifting over into machining, often in the smaller scale range such as Sherline sized machines. A different focus than many here have, but lots of CAD or modeling software being used to create files to print or cut. I know more people who are making belt buckles, knives, gaming stuff, jewelery, and special tools to support other hobbies than I know who make engines. It's interesting, it's similar, but is it model engineering? Does it matter? From the articles in Model Engineering Mag in the UK apparently I'm not even a model engineering guy as I don't build steam locomotives and didn't discover that CAD might be useful just last week.
It will be interesting to see how things shape up at Cabin Fever 25, hopefully there will be some fresh faces as well as folks known a long time. I'm pretty sure it won't be the same, it will either be a freshly invigorated event or one that is fading into the past. I hope for invigorated.
Several groups I've been associated with for a number of years are slowly turning into the old guys piss and moan about how nobody is coming into the hobby coffee club while spending two weeks debating the benefit/risk of using grease on auto wheel studs, living in the past, and wondering why that kid who seemed pretty skilled never came back. I'm a 63 year old kid, and I've given up or dropped to lurk mode on several groups I really used to enjoy. Looking at youtube, there are plenty of new faces doing interesting things, perhaps we'll see some of them at Cabin Fever.
Take care,