When I'm finishing a a small bore I take 3 finish cuts.
Try that in steel and you'll end up with torn ugly mess.
In brass, aluminum or cast iron it will smooth it out.
In most cases the actual diameter of the bore doesn't matter at this point.
You'll be making the piston to fit it. If you get a perfect finish .020" under
the print size, leave it alone!
Another thing is your boring bar has to be centered. I bought this cheap
boring bar set on eBay for less than $10
The holder for them was made on the lathe they'd be used on.
I clamped a block if steel in the tool post holder and a drill bit in the chuck
of the lathe. Drilled it .030" undersize then reamed it to size with an
end mill in the chuck. A saw cut and it was a perfectly on center holder.