I don't use the screencaptures to remember the dimensions.The other thing I just picked up looking back through Pat's posts is that he takes a series of screen captures so he can go back and look up what dimensions were used on a sketch, this again is very unconventional and counterproductive as you would have to flick between the 3D CAD and the images. and in Pats case Autocad as well
Alibre and I'm sure Solid works has a much better way of doing it simply display the entered dimensions with the sketch, one image below has the dimensions toggled on the other off. So easy to see what dimensions were used when they are toggled on.
You will note that almost none of the screencaps have dimensions, and I am not sure why or how some of them to, other than to say that I wanted to verify a distance without creating a driven dimension.
You can click on any shape, such as a circle, and read the dimensions from the dialog box on the left of the screen.
The reason for the screencaps is because during the progression of the model, the best method is not known, and so I basically and trying random things in order to get the model created and usable.
This can be a very long string of steps, and the order of the steps can also be critical to the success of the model.
My short term memory is very poor, and so I can flip through the screencaps to remember the order, and spot where I could change the order, or change the method, to produce a better outcome.
Sometimes I revisit a 3D design I did 10 years ago.
You think I can remember every step and sequence I did 10 years ago, 30 engine designs ago and 10,000 steps back?
No, not me; perhaps someone with a better memory can.
The screencaps can also give a quick overview of types of approaches to modeling, so one can compare and contrast approaches for similar designs and parts, and pick out the most effective method, such as creating flywheels, or other parts that are similar from engine to engine.
Looking at my screencaps, I can see that my methods have evolved over time, and continue to evolve.
The screencaps are not necessary for simple shapes.
For very complex models, with hundreds of steps, the screencaps have been invaluable.
I open the screencaps in file manager, with the view set to "extra large icons", and I can see many of the screencaps all at once, and easily navigate them and rediscover the sequence I have used.
Its a very powerful tool, but you will never read about this option in any book, and never see it here either unless mentioned by me.
So again, blanket statements don't apply to everyone, every model, or the range of complexity in models.
One really has to talk about specific models/applications.
You (Jason) are basically arguing semantics here, while overlooking some critical points I am trying to make.
I get your points. Do you get mine?
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