I have no problem sourcing them thru Fastenal or Brafasco in Barrie. If they don't have them in stock they can generally have them the next day.
I have no problem sourcing them thru Fastenal or Brafasco in Barrie. If they don't have them in stock they can generally have them the next day.
Give me the metric system any day, although you can get standard and fine pitch in a few sizes.
I started my apprenticeship in 1965, and everything was British Imperial. I slogged along bravely for 9 years, and in 1974 Canada sort of went Metric. We were totally lost for about 6 months. But---we only "sort of" went metric. None of the machinists rushed out to buy new metric tools nor measuring instruments. Non of the steel mills rushed to change their rolling mills to roll metric shapes nor plate sizes. Only us poor fools in the engineering office had to immediately start working in metric. Two hours after a blueprint was released to the shop, you could walk out to the shop and find some poor machinist setting with a pocket calculator changing all the metric numbers on the drawing back to British Imperial. It was a nightmare, and has never fully resolved itself here. My two best comments on the metric system came from my mother and my uncle. My mother is now 93 years old, and complains bitterly that she hasn't known how hot or cold it was since we went to Celcius from farenheit, she hasn't known how far away anything was or how much anything weighed since we went metric. My Uncle had a somewhat more positive slant on the whole issue. He declaimed that all his life he hade a 4" long XXX and women wouldn't even look at him, but now that he had a 100 mm long XXX they just wouldn't leave him alone!!!
I've always wondered why 2-56 and 4-40 are the common threads. A 3-48 screw is 3/32" diameter and a 5-40 is .125" diameter. Seems like those would be more commonly used. Or maybe I just like things too orderly...
KBC if you want to buy a box of 100 (good stuff USA only, no clones)
McMaster Carr has sizes down to 0-80 and size for size cheaper and sometimes about half the price. Shipping has always been reasonable.
Good on you Luc!! I'm glad you are feeling well enough to resume work on the project. It is a good running, but very out of balance engine, and wants to walk all over the room while running if it is not bolted down. if I were at the stage of build that you are on right now, I would give serious consideration to some balancing holes through those beautiful flywheels to even out the balance . If you want, I will post a drawing showing the correct location of the lightning holes.---Brian