This morning I went to BusyBee tools. First I looked at the CT089 lathe. a very good looking machine! Then I made them bring out an extension cord and plug it in. My God it was a noisy brute of a thing. I would go crazy with that amount of racket from the gear head machine!!! Next, I went over to the CX701. I had taken my dial indicator stand and 1/2" travel dial indicator with me. I confirmed that the cross feel dial, the compound rest dial and the tailstock dial all read in thousandths of an inch as advertised. I checked the headstock for runout at the chuck, and the chuck mounting flange is true to within .00075" . I confirmed that the extension cord was plugged into a circuit with a 15 amp breaker, and with the machine running at 850 rpm in low range I shut the lathe off, then restarted it 3 times in quick succession without dialing the speed down any. I then changed the belt drive over to the high speed pulleys and ran the machine up to 1600 rpm. in high range, and again shut the machine off, then restarted it 3 times without dialing the speed down, and nothing tripped the breaker the cord was plugged into. Total price including lathe, stand, two chucks, a faceplate, steady rest, follow rest, 5/8" tailstock chuck and tailstock live center and a quick-change toolpost and 13% sales tax came to $4300 Canadian. I can't think of any other tests that I can legitimately perform in their showroom floor. The machine is much, much quieter than the gear head lathe.