I am extremely interested in the threads on the little portable generating sets, The late Edgar T westbury had a hand in the design of many of these units , I do not think he would have had anything to do with the Lyons single cylinder sets, But i have hears somewhere he had a hand in the layout of the sets with the sirius engines, These sets were lighter by all account from the Lyons engine sets, I wonder if the little single cylinder engine was a Lyon design ? I would have thought that two things in the jungle would have been a dead giveaway to the Japenese imperial army, one being the noise of the engine exhaust, & the other the smoke from the boiler, Not to mention the sound of the little generator.
Someone once said to me years back that they could put the exhaust pipe from the engine into a stream or pond if they were at the side of it, Thus giving a totally silent little set, Wonder if it led to more efficiency Or is it an old wives urban legend, What then would they do for urging on the draught in the boiler ? I have by me one of the little dynamos from these sets, I purchased it from a war surpus supplier in 1957, It has two sets of brushes one to take 250 volts & another set to pull of the low voltage , So could it also work as a little rotary converter, If an agent was holed up in a derelect house che could charge his batteries from a power supply ? It is a nice thing and looks just like the one with the Sirius engine attached, It cost me the handsome sum of fifteen shillings &sixpence then, Still a lot for a poverty stricken teenager of that period.