Yeah very nice progress, it's looking great 'Vette I was going to ask the same question as Dean, Air sounds a good plan to start with, as long as you have a compressor man enough! I was wondering whether it could be flame gulpered!
Working on the valve this weekend and came up with an idea. Decided to move the eccentric to the side opposite the valve and then pass a shaft through the base to the other side. Resolved a couple of alignment issues. Made it easy to center the arms and being in two pieces I can adjust the valve position by moving the arm on that side. Plus I thought it would add some visual interest to the action. Just a few things left. Need to drill and tap the head bolts. Drill the ports in the head and valve. Insert the fittings and give it a test run. ( I hope )
And all of this from the "seat of the pants"? I am thoroughly impressed as well as appreciating the outcome. Great job. Have you been drawing all of this up for a plan set so that we all can duplicate this one at a later date ;D Man I hope so. stickpoke
No real drawings for this one. :hDe: It would be difficult to draw this up since most of the parts already existed in one form or another, so I'm not sure how it could be duplicated. Most of my ideas came from drawings in pencil on a clipboard. I sometimes sit and "ponder" which way it should go and then doodle until something develops. I would work out the details and dimensions on my sketches with just enough to go to the shop.
I would say that with the help of this forum just about anyone could build a basic engine of their own design. The EZ engine and this one could not have been completed based on my level of experience. It took input from several members and incorporating bits of designs from several engines to build them. That was part of the adventure and fun with this project. Don't build it just like an existing project. Think up something that appeals to you and just do it!
Got the rest of the pieces made, head mounted and put it all together. woohoo1
It actually runs. Video show it running at 10 psi which I am happy with. Thought the larger bore would take more air than that. Now to take it apart, cut shafts and screws to length, do some clean up on the parts and then a paint job.
Not only runs, but runs quite nicely! Chuf-chuf-chuf-chuf... I like it!
The cross rod for the eccentric and valve action adds to the fun. Kind of gives both
sides of the engine "something to do".
Very nice Rick.
I'm no where near the point where I can do something on my much to learn. I'm always impressed by people who can design as well as build.
Got some shop time this weekend and finished up the paint and polish. Had a couple of small bits to make to replace the temporary ones used to test run the engine. Now that it has some makeup and perfume it is starting to look better. ;D Hard to call it a junk engine now.
The company that the parts came from is Kimray Inc, an oil field valve manufacturer. Their colors are red and black, so I used that paint scheme. Here are some pics;