British 0-4-0 Toy Locomotive: he said

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Zee, you referred to the ball as a "BB" a few posts back. If it really is a BB, then it should be .177" dia.
Of course, then you could get a few hundred of them for a few bucks. You won't have to worry about
what ends up under the bench.

I sure wish you'd get done working all the time. It's really eating into your project schedule, and frankly,
I'm getting tired of it.


Thanks SAM.
Thanks Pete...I'll check it out.

Dean...I just used BB generically as 'ball-bearing'. Perhaps I shouldn't to avoid confusion. The ball in the kit is quite a bit smaller.

Deanofid said:
I sure wish you'd get done working all the time. It's really eating into your project schedule, and frankly, I'm getting tired of it.

Working is my investment in the future so I can continue this hobby (and make you tired of that). :big: Thanks for the thought Dean. Now I have work. :(

[EDIT: The steel ball is 5/32 (I measured .155 with my mic), 100 grade - whatever that is.]
zeeprogrammer said:
[EDIT: The steel ball is 5/32 (I measured .155 with my mic), 100 grade - whatever that is.]
For all you want to know (and more) about steel balls
Here is one on EBay
PS I have been told that if you can make the seat removable that burnishing it with a ball (which you discard) on newspaper gives a better seal.
Thanks for the link Gerald. That explained a lot for me.

A little update...

Played with the loco and found two issues...

One is that the left drive wheel isn't square to the axle. I don't know why but I suspect the washer I made.
The second is that the diameter of the crank pins varies a little. A bit thicker the closer you get to the drive wheel. Depending on where the end of the piston rod is can bind.

The axle though is freely moving. If I disengage the pistons and roll the just zips along with a little push. It'll roll off a slightly uneven table.

I'm not sure if the wobble in the drive wheel will stop the engine from working (although it can't be good)...but I worked the crank pins and piston rods and that seems to be a whole lot better.

Running on air right now. This time I used cylinder oil...and even that made a huge difference from the motor oil I was using. It sounds so much better. Listening to it in the almost sounds like a choo-choo. me anyway.

Gaining confidence that the engine will steam. Losing confidence that I can have a 'memorable' video. Work is really in the way. ;D
Thanks Frazer.


Got it put back together and running on air again. Looks like it's running at about 18 psi but if I do anything with stops.

So on a lark, I set it on the table. Off it went. Hm. Apparently, the stand I made is a little too much for it. It can overcome it's own weight...but the additional resistance of the idlers on the stand makes it more difficult..

So here's a little video...15 psi (or thereabouts) which is the target.

You gotta wait for it.

The first time it hung up on the air line.
The second time it hung up again...but I was a bit excited.

I repeat...

Wow oh wow oh wow.
I wouldn't worry too much about the crank pins,Zeep,they'll "wear in".
If it's too perfect,people will think you bought it! :big:
Looking good Carl. Keep it up and keep the videos coming

Just watched the video.Cute as a button!
Give that man a cigar! :big:
Carl: Grade 100 means the ball has a spherical error less then .0001". They are hard, but you want to change the ball after seating.

Steam condenses quickly when it hits cold cylinders. Water comes out of the exhaust (and everywhere) big time. Just keep turning the wheels and pumping steam/water thru. Eventually the cylinders warm up and it will take off on its own. And it will go like a gun shot at first, but will settle down and find it's way.

Don't worry about the wobble, just make sure there are not binds. Let it "wear in"

That's a really nice looking machine. Great job.
Having you guys watching and posting means a whole lot to me.

bentprop said:
If it's too perfect,people will think you bought it! :big:

So true. As it is, whenever I show my stuff at work...the 1st question seems to be "Did you make all of that?" And I get torn...well yes...but I didn't make those little screws...but I made the others...and yes I machined everything...but I didn't make the raw metal. ;D I'm moving towards "Why yes I did. And I'm thinking you wish you could do that." ;D

Thanks Dave. I saw you got the stitches out. I hope all the feeling is there. The feeling in the finger. ;D

Thanks bentprop. 'Cute as a button' eh? Hm...Well that's okay this time. But I'm thinking the next project has to exceed 'cute'. :big:

Thanks Bob. Considering the locomotive you're making...that means a lot to me.


Found a leak. It's at the steam dome. But I haven't determined if it's the gasket (which has been re-used now a few times)...or the pipes going into the steam dome. Next time I'll try replacing the gasket and see.

I hope I can get some more steel balls in the next day or two. But my options are limited. If I have to order them...I have to wait to steam. That would be a bummer. So you can guess what I'll do anyway. ;D

;D ;D ;D

It goes, Zee!! I think it's great, and I want to see more.
Can't wait to see it puffing along on it's own steam.

Just for kicks, this is a quote from the first post I made to this build thread, after
you had done the first parts for this loco, (one of the bumpers):

Deanofid said:
Your first bit looks just great, and I'm sure it's the start of a string of successfully built parts.

I love being right. :D

Way to go Zee! I had to chuckle to myself just a bit when I saw the first part of your video. Somehow the song "Wreck old 97" began running through my mind, and I don't know why. :big: :big: :big:

Good on ya' brother, you're at the finish line now Casie. ;D

FWIW, my little loco runs far better on track than it does on a flat surface. I'm not completely sure why, but it'll barely roll across the floor on steam, but zips merrily around a track.

Pro tip: Sit in the middle of the track circuit while testing on air if you'll fit.
Away you go Carl

Working safety valve or not, have you tried boiling the water with the burner installed (without the valve out of course)

Running on steam by the end of the weekend I'd guess

Thanks Dean!

Thanks Jim. Yeah, I thought with the right music I could have a comedy. Maybe Harold Lloyd or the Keystone Cops. :big: But I suspect there's more comedy to come.

Thanks shred. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that the effective diameter of the drive wheel is different on the floor than on rail. (And no...I wouldn't fit. ;D )

Thanks Pete. No I hadn't tried boiling water without the valve. What am I looking for?
Great to see her running, Zee. Won't be long before she's off the umbilical and running strong.
Woo Hoo!! ( or should I say "Choo Choo"?) Keep repeating; I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
Wow oh wow oh wow.

I love it. A childhood dream realized. Been there, done that, know the feeling. Savor it.

As Dorothy Parker said when her friend gave birth...

Congratulations, we knew you had it in you.

The test stand may need some (light) oil on the bearings. Perhaps some masking tape on the rollers under the drive wheels would create more grip and allow it to run on the stand.

Its looking good. I would have posted you some 5/32 ball, but you picked one of the sizes I don't have. The fellow on E Bay is usually fairly fast I have got stuff from him in four days.