Deanofid said:
Something like this, Zee. For truck tires. Most car tire types are rubber, or chromed for fancy wheels.
Oh har. Oh har de har har. Prior to seeing your post Dean, I went to Pep boys today (mainly to get away from work). They had a valve stem encased in rubber...and a valve chromed for fancy wheels. Darn it. $5.99 for chrome. $2.99 for rubber. The guy said there was metal under the rubber. I'm thinking "Can't I get that off? I got a lathe gosh durn it." So I went for the $2.99. I have no idea if this will work.
Like Pete said. I'll try hacking it off. Well we'll see.
The folks just left but I'm off to California this Friday (pleasure) and then probably Mexico (business...well pleasure too). Not much in the way of machining time. As it is...I see that I fell behind by more than 100 posts.
My folks...he's 84 and she's 82. They still bowl in the leagues...and go to state championships. I wish I hadn't smoked and drank as much as I did. (No I don't.)
TroyO...thank you so much. That means a lot to me. And since you confess to having read my other know I will hold you to that beer....where-ever you are. Just where are you?
So as I to CA. Napa...San Fran...Sonoma...Carmel. Anything 'home machinist' related close by? Not that it helps...I'm going to be with family...they have their own plans. Wine, trees, wine, museums, wine, restaurants, I won't miss machining as much as I think.