Thank you for the video what tolerance did you use on the piston and cylinder? the drawing just gives you a std size to work off .
I machined the inner bore of the cylinder liner down to just short of 0.5" with a boring bar. I passed a 0.5" reamer through the hole to give me a better finish than my boring bar could give me.
I then chucked up a 0.5" Acrolap Barrel Lap in the chuck and hand lapped in the liner with progressively finer pastes. I was able to add a little taper to the bore to give me the required pinch at the top of the stroke.
Once machined I made a piston and contra piston to just over size so it wouldn't fit into the bore. Maybe 3-4 thou oversized. I made an aluminium outside split lap and lapped down the outside of the piston and contra piston to give it the required fit. I kept lapping the contra piston until it was a tight fit in the bore at the top, taking quite a bit of effort to push it in. I did the same with the piston so it was tight at the top of the bore, but moved reasonably freely at the bottom of the bore (thanks to the slight taper)
I didn't take any measurements of the final sizes or taper. I guess the taper would be in the region of 1 to 2 thou over 1 inch.
What I found as equally important as the fit of the cylinder in the bore, was the fit of the liner in the crankcase. My first attempt had a sweet piston/liner fit, but I got bubbles coming up from the bottom of the crankcase up past the liner and bubbling out of the exhaust port.
First run, the propeller was quite tight. I ran it over a bit by hand and it loosened up a little. Once the mixture was in and there was a bit of oil on the piston, I got a great seal with superb compression.
Hope all this helps get yours running.