Dave, I have to repair the taper gib, with my current compound slide top. It uses a 55 degree dove tail, I just got the cutter in the mail yesterday. There are two issues with the current compound, the top is not flat, even though it has a ground finish. Where the T-slot is, it's raised above the rest of the compond top slide, this raised area was scraped to make it look like a precision flat surface, I have no idea what they were doing with this 2004 manufactured lathe, other then I've determined that every incorrectly manufacture component was not thrown away but made into the lathe I have now. Anyway, where it is ground goes up hill from the T-slot drop down edge, to the crank end. And I recently put a sine bar on the side to attempt to set the angle precisely, but the side is not parallel with the slide dovetail. So I'm going to re-machine the dovetail to be parallel with the side, (or the side to be parallel with the dovetail). The current trapezoidal gib is tapered, so I assume I need to do as I think you indicated, and clamp that in place to machine it parallel to the opposite dovetail, so it will slide without binding. This compound uses a screw on each end of the gib to adjust it for correct fit. This adjustment range was already exceeded as the screw that pushes the gib ran out of its travel, and I made a spacer that fit under this flange head screw to push the gib farther.