I had a request for CAD drawings for Bob Jorgensen's Bernay steam engine, so I began making those yesterday.
JorgensenSteam said:Here is an other photo of the Bernay disassembled.
The proverbial "box-o-parts".
JorgensenSteam said:Sam-
The only thing not shown in the box is the wood base.
I did not get time to roll all the photos into a PDF.
Depending on the resolution, it may be a big file.
I can email it to you.
Can you receive a large attachement, like 10+ mb?
If not, I can cut the resolution down, but the high res photos make it much easier to study the engine, since you can zoom way in without loosing resolution.
Uh-oh . . . Someone beat you to it (Webtech Services LLC © 2006), but that's OK maybe yours will be a different interpretation. A model from the drawing excerpted below was built by Jesse Livingston of Troy TN. I think Jesse's Bernay's engine was written up in Live Steam Magazine but I'm not sure if it was a full construction article or a photo description article. It's a very attractive and interesting engine.Pat J said:The Bernay drawings are almost complete. - Pat J