Well after finishing the super 7 and using it I started to find niggles and made a mental note. One major problem was bed wear
I had reshimmed and adjusted gibs but to get min play at the headstock end it got really tight at the tailstock end. So I stripped down the carriage and did a survey of the
bed.Rear way width was +/- half thou and unworn as expected. Front with had max 6 thou wear at the chuck and the
the shear edges about 3 thou. Fairly typical of a 60yr old machine. First option was a bed regrind but in my neck of the woods the cost would be
about $700 + 2 way shipping about $500 and I deemed the wasn't worth the cost,so I decided to use the unworn rear way. I had read about
it but never seen or attemped it
myself.Didnt look too difficult so of I went. Took a light skim in the mill to give me a location shoulder and
made and fitted a nom 16mm x 13mm m/s guide to the underside of the saddle fixed with 2 socket hd cap screws. Sorry but I used metric
I made the central section about 1 thou less than the bed central gap about 1.375" and a nice sliding
fit.The rear shear had about 35 thou gap
so I used a piece of hacksaw blade cleaned up just the right width and approx. 25 thou
thk.Then fitted 4 no M4 gib screws to the rear.A lovely sliding fit was obtained over the full lenth of the bed using the rear way. I then lightly adjusted the gibbs to the front way,although strictly not necessary
I also recut the graduations on the tailstock spindle in the lathe as they were hardly visible. Next I hope to rebush or fit brgs to the carrisge handwheel
as there is a little play there