I made a 16mm dia mandrel fitted with a 4mm x 80mm lg key
Fitting a key, by that brought back memories.It was a perfect fit
on a lathe change gear,and like a fool I thought it would be the
same fit on all the gears WRONG.Those chinese.Had a pleasant hour
fitting all the gears to my master keyed shaft.Also made a couple
of clamping collars.Almost ready to go.I plan to make an alum blank
set up on the mandrel and finish turn in the lathe,the whole setup can then be
transferred to the index head in the mill.I plan to make a test gear in alum
using my homemade cutter. I have ordered 4 involute cutters 4,5,6, & 7
then I plan to rework the spare change gears from the old lathe to fit the SC4