Hi and sorry to be such a hyper Questions poster at the back of the class but something Bogs posted rattled my gate.
If you don't do that, you will find that you will be using many half learned techniques on the same job, and you will end up with only a half OK result.
Ive had pretty good finish and accuracy (as close as I can tell) with diameters around 10mm. Much bigger or smaller, the finish is much worse and the diameter is not constant. I must avoid getting a little better at doing the same wrong things. I am fairly confident my HSS tooling is quite well made, 1 thing my lazy sonny boy does well. I have had no luck with any radius tools only sharp knife and squarish finishing tool, the finishing tool actually made from a text on shaper tools. ( Works ok in shaper too )
I dont know close to enough, what to do to improve things. Ive read a lot of stuff on the web, downloaded gigs, ( I really appreciate the amount of free info from ME mag. The Geometer articles are amazing, so much cleverness on one page )
Feeds and Speeds? I think I try to turn everything too slow. I can get my lathe down to 60rpm. Should I go for slower? Long feed? Using my biggest and smallest gears I usually feed at about 0.1mm per spindle rev. Is it a dumb idea to want to add to the gear tree for smaller feeds and is it the only way to get feeds to the right? In Feed? I find if my infeed is small I get an intermittent cut?
Tightness of slide gibs? I know next to nothing about how tight or free the slides should be adjusted.
Facing? Sometimes ok sometimes not good and I dont know why.
Chamfering? Ive had no luck making a simple neat 45deg chamfer to finish things off, and Ive tried everything I can think of.
Most of my tooling is HSS and I use the white coolant, and a simple gravity flow.
If anyone can help Ill shut up for a while, be good and quiet and busy Monday promise. Maybe in a month Ill annoy you all again with my progress.
If you don't do that, you will find that you will be using many half learned techniques on the same job, and you will end up with only a half OK result.
Ive had pretty good finish and accuracy (as close as I can tell) with diameters around 10mm. Much bigger or smaller, the finish is much worse and the diameter is not constant. I must avoid getting a little better at doing the same wrong things. I am fairly confident my HSS tooling is quite well made, 1 thing my lazy sonny boy does well. I have had no luck with any radius tools only sharp knife and squarish finishing tool, the finishing tool actually made from a text on shaper tools. ( Works ok in shaper too )
I dont know close to enough, what to do to improve things. Ive read a lot of stuff on the web, downloaded gigs, ( I really appreciate the amount of free info from ME mag. The Geometer articles are amazing, so much cleverness on one page )
Feeds and Speeds? I think I try to turn everything too slow. I can get my lathe down to 60rpm. Should I go for slower? Long feed? Using my biggest and smallest gears I usually feed at about 0.1mm per spindle rev. Is it a dumb idea to want to add to the gear tree for smaller feeds and is it the only way to get feeds to the right? In Feed? I find if my infeed is small I get an intermittent cut?
Tightness of slide gibs? I know next to nothing about how tight or free the slides should be adjusted.
Facing? Sometimes ok sometimes not good and I dont know why.
Chamfering? Ive had no luck making a simple neat 45deg chamfer to finish things off, and Ive tried everything I can think of.
Most of my tooling is HSS and I use the white coolant, and a simple gravity flow.
If anyone can help Ill shut up for a while, be good and quiet and busy Monday promise. Maybe in a month Ill annoy you all again with my progress.