I think Zeeprogrammers right. Influencing when young is of the utmost importance. Just be careful, I grew up near a major east/west road that led to a vocational school. The school covered 3 counties and most of the students drove to school. This was in the late sixties and early seventies and everyone had a musclecar it seemed in those days. On any given day before and after school they would stop at the railroad crossing behind our house and pair up. I can remember those days like they were yesterday. Loud exhaust, screeching tires and power shifts. Dad would curse them everytime but I loved it, I think dad knew I loved every second of it and he tried hard to keep me from fast cars with no success.
My first engine was a West Bend 2 stroke lawnmower engine. I was probably around 10 yrs old or so and my dad and I were tromping around an old scrap yard one day and I found a stack of brand new mowers that were being scrapped. I don't remember how much they cost but 4 mowers followed me home that day. The exhaust had no muffler and exited below the mower deck. Well without the mower deck attached these things were loud. I lost track of where those engines got to over the years and they were just a distant memory of all the fun they brought me until 2 yrs ago. I was at an engine show and found an engine just like the ones I used to have and once again I had another West Bend to have fun with. I will be saving this one for a grandson. It will come with hearing protection though.
As I look back at my youth, I have fond memories of the grownups that would take the time to help me with whatever I was working on at the time. A father, neighbor, father's friends. Other people have memories of playing ball in their youth, I remember all the lawnmowers, rototillers, go karts, bicycles that I fixed. My parents did force me to play baseball one summer though and I embarressed them so badly that they never again mentioned ball sports to me.
I think when we share our hobby with people and especially the young ones we unknowingly become mentors, someone that is looked up to without knowing it. I don't know how many of the people I looked up to as a lad knew how much they influenced me but they did and in a big way. No, we won't reach everyone with our art but the ones we do reach will never forget it and it may enrich their life in ways that you will never know. Dave